SALIX petræa.
Dark-green Rock Willow.
DICE CIA Diandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Cal. a scale of an imbricated catkin,
single-flowered. Cor. none. Nect. a gland
or glands at the base of the stamens. Stam. !■—5
(or more). Female, Cal. and Nect. as in the
male. Cor. none. Capsule of 1 cell and 2 valves.
Seeds tufted.
Spec. Char. Erect. Young shoots densely hairy.
Leaves oblong, serrated, carinate, twisted, reticulated
with deeply sunken veins; beneath hairy,
glaucous, at length pale green. Stipules large,
half heart-shaped, flattish, with few glands. Ger-
men stalked, naked, wrinkled towards the point.
Style divided, longer than the cloven stigmas.
Syn. Salix petrsea. Salict. Woburn. 193. t. 97.
Hook. Engl. FI. ed. 2. 424.
-A .N O TH ER of the British Willows first distinguished
by the late Mr. G. Anderson, who is understood to have
given it the name of S. petrcea, and who communicated the
plants from which our figure was drawn. We have wild
specimens from the mountains of Breadalbane.
Shrub sometimes upwards of 15 feet high, with crooked
ash-coloured branches and brown twigs. Young shoots covered
with short, horizontal or deflexed hairs. Leaves
slightly hairy above, very dark green and shining; blueish
and rather more hairy, or woolly, beneath; at length naked
on both sides, except on the leaf-stalk and midrib, and
losing, or very nearly losing, the glaucous tinge beneath :
their edges slightly recurved, serrated throughout with