BRYUM squarrosum.
Scaly Thread Moss.
G e n . C h a r . Fruitstalks terminal. Peristome double;
outer of 16 teeth ; inner peristome a membrane
cut into 16 equal segments, and usually with
intermediate filiform processes. Calyptra dimidiate.
S p e c . C h a r . Stems filiform. Leaves obovate-acu-
minate, spreading, recurved, keeled, the nerve
vanishing below the serrulated apex. (Capsule
ovate, nearly erect; lid conical. Schwcegr.)
Syn. Bryum squarrosum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1585.
Hedw. Sp. Muse. 186. t. 44.ƒ. 6—11. Schwcegr.
Suppl. v. 1. P. Ill 120. Funch. Deutschl.
Moose. 60. t. 31. n. 28. Drum. Muse. Am.
v. 2. n. 248.
Mnium squarrosum. “ Linn. Fil. Meth. Muse.
Meesia squarrosa. Wahl. Lapp. 356. Wahl.
Suec. 730.
Orthopyxis squarrosa. Pal. Beauv. Prodr. d’JE-
theog. 79.
Paludella squarrosa. Brid. Bryol. Univ. v. 2. 1.
Schwcegr. Muse. Frondos. 37.
Hypnum Paludella. Web. 8$ Mohr. FI. Crypt.
Germ. 274.
I^O U N D on Knutsford Moor, Cheshire, April 1832,
growing with Hypnum laricinum.
A beautiful and singular species, with weak slender stems,