t Fig. 2.
2716. (F ig .l.)
COLLEMA crispum.
Curled Collema.
CRYPTO G AM I A Lichenes.
Gen. Char. Apothecia scutelliform, (immersed,, sessile,
or somewhat stalked,) formed entirely of the thal-
lus, and of a homogeneous substance without and
within, subcartilaginous when dry, subgelatinous
when wet; margin and disk of the same, or sometimes
( when dry) of different, colours.—Acharius.
Spec. Char. Lobes - of the thallus thinnish, much
divided; their segments imbricated, crowded,
rounded, concave,, with entire or denticulate
raised edges. Scutellm sessile; margin crenu-
late, at length leafy.
Syn. Lichen crispus. Huds. 535. Linn. Syst. Nat.
ed. 12. 710. Wulf. in Jacq. Coll. v. 3. 129.
t .W. f . l . With. ed. 3. v. 4.76.
Lichenoides gelatinosum atro-virens, crispum et
rugosum. Dill. 139. t. 19. f . 23.
V J F no unfrequent occurrence upon stones and the lower
part °f waiis, chiefly in shady places, and found sometimes
e £roVnc^ both on chalky and on gravelly soil,
lhallus in rather thin patches of a roundish outline when
separate, but often confluent to a considerable extent.
Adobes crowded and somewhat imbricate, variable in size,
tnough always small, roundish, or more or less lengthened
and variously sinuated, fixed beneath by small tufts of white
cotton-like fibres, the ultimate segments entire, or minutely
crenulate, or fringed with granule-like teeth*, their ed°-es
raised, their surface either naked or sprinkled with minute
granules, which probably grow out into the small round
processes that are usually crowded proliferouslv over all
curled / ?r tc ° f the patch>curled, and leafy appearance . 80 Tahs et 0s uSbivseta ncea "i su ngeevlaetni,
nous and pellucid, but tenacious, when wet; rigid when drv •
thm, yet not membranous like that of C. nigrescens, C. si-
&c.: the colour a dark bottle-green, drying greyish
lack, with a tinge of green or blue in specimens which
Rave grown in very damp situations. Scutellm of moderate