SALIX procumbens.
Oval rigid-leaved Willow.
DICECIA Diandria.
Gen. Char. Male : Cal. a scale of an imbricated
catkin, single-flowered. Cor. none. Nect. a
gland or glands at the base of the stamens. Starn.
I__5 (or more). Female ; Cal. and Nect. as in
the male. Cor. none. Caps, of 1 cell and 2
valves. Seeds tufted.
Spec. Char. Branches diverging. Leaves oval, minutely
serrated, recurved, bright green and
shining on both sides. Catkins elongated, thick,
cylindrical. Germen nearly sessile, tapering,
obsoletely quadrangular. Style short, deeply
cloven. Stigmas spreading, bifid.
Syn. Salix procumbens. Salict. Woburn. 121. t.61.
(not good). Hook. Brit. FI. ed. 2. 429.
S Isevis. Hook. Brit. FI. ed. 1. 432.
S. retusa. With. ed. 4. v. 2. 49. with figure.
D r a w n from cultivated specimens communicated by
N. J . Winch, Esq., who found the plant in the mountains
of Breadalbane, where it had previously been gathered by
the late excellent Dr. Stuart of Luss. We learn from the
British Flora that it has been observed also in the Cairn
Gorm range. , , , . , <
A bushy shrub, with diverging procumbent branches : but
old plants rise in our gardens to the height of two or three
feet. Twigs stout, straight, brownish, hairy when young,
naked and shining the second year. Leaves on very short,
dilated, channeled, smooth stalks, oval, or somewhat oblong,
sometimes almost cordate, of a thin, rigid texture,
bluntly carinate, curved downward towards the point,
which is by no means acuminate; the edges in the living
plant flat, not recurved, regularly serrated throughout with
minute glandular teeth; both surfaces remarkably even and
shining, the upper grass-green, the under somewhat paler;