A LI SM A ranunculoides; var. repens.
Lesser Water-Plantain ; creeping var.
HEXANDRIA Polygynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. of 3 leaves. Petals 3. Capsules
many, clustered, distinct, indéhiscent, 1-seeded.
Embryo much curved.
Spec. Char. Leaves all radical, linear-lanceolate.
Scape umbellate. Fruit globose, squarrose.
Capsules acute.
Syn. Alisma ranunculoides. Linn.—Engl. Bot. t. 326.
(3. smaller, with creeping runners. Scapes mostly
A. ranunculoides j3. DeCand. &; Dubis, Bot. Gall,
v. 1. 437. Hook. Brit. FI. ed. 2. 172. Lam.
Encycl. v. 2. 515.
A. repens. “ Davies Welsh Bot. 36.” Sm. Engl.
FI. v. 2. 205. Cavan. Ic. v. 1.41. t. 55.
A l t h o u g h Sir James E. Smith adopted this plant
as a species of Alisma, distinct from the A. ranunculoides, in
the 2nd volume of the English Flora, yet in the list of corrections
given in the 4th volume of that valuable work, he
has candidly acknowledged that it ought to be united with
the last-mentioned species, differing from A. ranunculoides
as Ranunculus reptans does from R. Flammula. We have
nevertheless thought the plant deserving of a place in
English Botany.
The same variety occurs in Spain and in France, and