Alpine Butterwort.
D IA N D R IA Monogynia.
G e n . C h a r . Calyx bilabiate, 5-fid. Corolla riugent,
spurred. Capsule unilocular.
S p e c . C h a r . Spur conical, slightly curved, shorter
than the segments of the corolla; lower lip refuse.
Capsule conical. Scape nearly smooth.
S y n . Pinguieula alpina. Linn. FI. Suec. ed. 2. 9.
Sp. PI. ed. 2. v. 1 .25. FI. Dan. t. 453. Crantz,
Stirp. Austr. ed. 2. 288. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 1.
111. Suter, FI. Helv. v. 1.12. Vahl, Enum. v. 1.
193. Hort. Kew. u.l. 45. Roem. et Schultes, Syst.
Veget.v. 1. 191. Wahl. FI. Suec. 13. Sprengel,
Syst. Veg.v. 1.48. Benth. Cat.Plant.Pyren. 111.
P. nectario conico, petalo breviore. Linn. FI. Lapp.
ed. Smith, 11. t. 12. f. 3. Scop. FI. Cam. 474.
P. purpurea. Vahl, Enum. v. 1. 193.
P. alpestris. Pers. Syn. PL v. 1. 18.
P. flavescens. Schrad. FI. Germ. v. 1. 53.
T h i s plant was picked by the Rev. George Gordon,
Elgin, in June, 1831, in the bogs of Auchterflow and Shannon,
on the Rose Haugh property, Ross-shire. Specimens
sent by Mr. Gordon to Mr. Hewett Watson, were immediately
recognised by him as the true P . alpina of the Continent.
I understand there are two specimens in the
herbarium of Sir J . E. Smith, upon the same paper with
P.lusitanica, marked as sent to him by Mr. James Mackay,
in September 1794, from the island of Skye.