F e t r 2 *?18S>S.
2765 and 2766.
SONCHUS asper.
Sharp-fringed, Annual Sowthistle.
G e n . C h a r . Receptacle naked. Calyx imbricated,
swelling- at the base. Down simple, sessile.
S p e c . C h a r . Root annual. Seeds smooth, longitudinally
ribbed. Leaves undivided or pinnatifid,
sharply toothed, clasping the stem with rounded
auricles ; none on distinct stalks.
k. leaves undivided, t. 2765.
(3. leaves pinnatifid. t. 2766.
S y n . Sonchus asper. Hoffm. Deut. FI. v. 2. 109.
Wahl. Veget. Helv. 137. Spreng. Syst. Veget.
v. 3. 649. Dodon. Pempt. 643. ƒ. 2. and Ger.
Em. 291. ƒ. 1. (from the same block.) Ger.
Herb. 229. (where the figure is transposed with
that of S. oleraceus). Tabern. Hist. 498. f . 1.
S. fallax. Wallr. cc Ann. Bot. 98.” Sched. Crit.
S. oleraceus y. asper. Linn. Sp. Pl.ed .2 . 1117.
Sm. FI. Brit. 817. Engl. FI. v. 3. 343.
S. oleraceus l. g. Huds. 336.
S. &c. FI. Dan. t. 843.
S. asper non laciniatus. Raii Syn. 163. Park.
Theatr. 803. f . 1.
S. asper laciniatus. Raii Syn. 163.
S. asper dentatus. Dill, in Raii Syn. 163.
S. no. 21. os. and no. 22. (3. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 10.
S. laevis tenerior. Lob. Icon. 235. f .