R U M E X aquaticus.
Grainless Water-dock.
H E X A N D R IA Trigynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. of 3 leaves, combined at the base.
Cor. of 3 petals. Stigmas multifid. Nut triquetrous,
covered by the enlarged petals, which
often bear tubercles.
Spec. Char. Flowers perfect. Enlarged petals broadly
cordate, reticulated, without tubercles. Leaves
lanceolate, the lower ones cordato-oblong, crisped
and waved. Whorls crowded, mostly leafless.
Syn. Rumex aquaticus. Linn. Sp. PI. &79. Reichenb.
Iconogr. Bot. t. 369. Svensh. Rot. t. 209. Hook.
Br. FI. 168. (not of Sm. FI. Brit. Engl. Bot.
t. 2104, and Hook. Scot., which is R. Hydrola-
pathum, Huds.)
I t is possible, from the similarity of this with R. crispus,
that it may have been confounded with it, or mistaken for
it, by collectors. Be that as it may, the species, which is
the true R. aquaticus of Linnaeus, was first distinguished
from any described British one, by Mr. Goldie, who sent
me specimens which he gathered near Ayr, in Scotland,
flowering in July. Nor are we at present acquainted
with any other station.
It is perennial, and a tall and strong growing plant. The
lower leaves are about a foot in length, cordato-oblong,
waved at the margin, rather obtuse, copiously veined and
reticulated. The stem-leaves are gradually smaller upwards,
less cordate, and oblong or linear-oblong, all on
long petioles. The panicle is erect, rigid, much branched,