nous and pulpy, but not very thick. Scutella; on our
specimens small and not numerous, sessile, or a little
raised above the level of the thallus, with an incurved entire
margin coloured like the thallus, and a concave, orange-
red disk; at length flat, the margin still entire, but now
less elevated and tinged with red.
The crust of this Collema is considerably like the supposed
thallus of the very anomalous Lichen spongiosus,
t. 1374. It has not the black fibrous substratum of Lecidea
microphylla, t. 2128, to which Acharius compares it, and to
some states of which it has, in other respects, much resemblance.
The species is more likely to be confounded with
C.fragrans*, t. 1912; but the thallus of that Lichen is less
imbricated, with larger, less divided lobes, the edges of
which are less notched or crenate, and somewhat raised, and
the surface has not the powdered or granulated appearance
when dry.—W. B.
owmaiic scent winch suggested this name, was probahlv
accidenta! to Sir J. E. Smith s specimens. The species is not rare in Sus-.
ex, and we find in it no odour but that often perceptible in other pulpv
m o i s t e n e d . m sPecimens ‘^ t have been dried and subsequent?