DICTYOSIPHON foeniculaceus.
Fennel-like Dictyosiphon.
Gen. Char. Frond filiform, tubular, continuous,
branched. Root minutely scutate, naked. Fruct.
ovate scattered seeds, lying1 beneath the epidermis.—
Spec. Char.................
Syn. Dictyosiphon foeniculaceus. Grev. Algce Brit.
56. t. 8.
Scytosiphon foeniculaceus. Agardh, Sp. Alg. v. 1.
163. Syst.Alg.QbS. Lyngb. Hydr.Dan.63.
t. 14. (upper fig.) Sprengel, Sp. PI. v. 4. 328.
Fucus subtilis. Turner, Hist. Fuc.f. 234.
Conferva fceniculacea. Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. Gmel.
v. 2. 1394. Huds. 594. With. v. 4.130.
Conferva marina fceniculacea. Dill. Hist. Muse. 16.
t. 2 ./. 8.
A LONG known plant, the difference of whose structure
and consequent texture from that of every other seaweed,
has caused it to be shifted from one genus to another,
until Dr. Greville has at length, in his scientific
and beautifully illustrated work on British Algas, settled it
as the type of a new genus, of which at present another
species is not known. It appears to be limited to rather
northern latitudes, growing upon marine Algce. Hudson
found it on the shores of Cornwall; but it has generally
been collected farther north. Our specimen, which unfortunately
has neither root nor seeds, was collected many
years ago on the coast of Anglesea, by our lamented friend
the Rev. H. Davies. The root (an “ extremely minute