CLADONIA cariosa.
Carious-stalked Cladonia.
Gen. Char. Tubercles discoid, somewhat margined,
at length convex, on hollow stalks.
Spec. Char. Leaf-scales small, lobed, crenate. Stalks
roundish, cancellated, warty, divided at the summit
into a few thick upright branches. Tubercles
brown, clustered, confluent.
Syn. Cladonia cariosa. Floerke, Clad. 11. (excl.
vars.) Spreng. Syst. v. 4. 272.
C. degenerans b. Fries, Lichenogr. Eur. Reform.
Cenomyce cariosa. Ach. Lich. Univ. 567. Syn.
Baeomyces cariosus. Ach. Meth. 326. Wahl. FI.
Lapp. 451. FI. Suec. 852.
Lichen cariosus. Ach. in Nov. Acfe.Stockh. v. 22.
343. t. 4 ./. 4.
O n barren heaths, growing on the ground; apparently
of rare occurrence in Britain. We have seen it only from
Teesdale, where our specimens wei’e gathered by Mr.
Robertson, and from Lound Heath, near Yarmouth, where
it has been found by Mr. Dawson Turner.
Scales or leaves of the thallus pale, dull, greyish green
above, very white beneath, small, mostly crowded, variously
divided with ascending, crenate, rounded or oblong
lobes. Stalks an inch or rather more in height, and two
or three lines in thickness, imperfectly cylindrical, more
slender at the base, more or less dilated upwards, and
divided from about the middle into a few simple or again
slightly divided branches, which are in general nearly