S A L I X Davalliana.
Davallian Willow.
DICE CIA Diandria,
Gen. Chau. Male, Cal. a scale of an imbricated
catkin, single-flowered. Cor. none. Nect. a
gland or glands at the base of the stamens. Siam.
1—5 (or more). Female, Cal. & Nect. as in the
male. Cor. none. Caps, of 1 cell and 2 valves.
Seeds tufted.
Spec. Char. Upright. Leaves obovate-lanceolate,
flattish, very acutely pointed, obscurely toothed
or serrated, naked on both sides; somewhat
glaucous beneath. Stipules minute. Young
shoots and leaf-stalks pubescent. Calyx-scales
obovate, silky. Germen stalked, acute, silky.
Style as long as the divided stigmas.
Syn. Salix Davalliana. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 4. 173.
Hook. Brit. FI. 428. Salict. Woburn. 93. t. 47.
-A . BUSHY shrub with ascending branches, scarcely exceeding
four feet inheight. Twigs downy whilst young, afterwards
smooth, tinged with brown. Leaves ascending or
patent, about an inch and a half long, of a firm texture,
flat or very slightly keeled, tapering at the base, broadest
above the middle, and thence again attenuated to a very
sharp point, which is occasionally oblique and often bent
backward ; edges somewhat cartilaginous; upper surface
dark green, shining; underside paler and more or less glaucous
; veins scarcely sunk above, and very little prominent
beneath. Leaf-stalk rather long and slender. Stipules
mostly scarcely more than a gland. Female catkins about