7 * 7837.
MYOSOTIS repens.
Creeping Water Scorpion-grass.
P E N T A N D R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cor. salver-shaped, with 5 obtuse lobes;
throat furnished with short valves. Stam. included.
Fruit of 4 one-seeded lobes, fixed in
the bottom of the calyx.
Spec. Char. Fruit smooth. Calyx with straight ap-
pressed bristles, deeply 5-cleft ; when in fruit
mostly connivent, shorter than the divergent pedicel.
Limb of corolla flat, longer than the tube ;
lobes somewhat emarginate. Pubescence of
stem spreading.
Syn. Myosotis-repens. Don MSS.—Reichenb.
in Sturm Dent. FI. with a figure. Bluffs Fing.
Comp. FL Germ. v. ij 230. Hook. Brit. FI. 83.
under M. palustris.
M. palustris (3. Hook. FL Scot. 67. 5. Mert 8g
Koch Deut. Fl. v. 2. 42.
W h e n the species of this genus shall receive from British
botanists the attention which their beauty might be expected
to command, it is probable that M. repens, first distinguished
by the late Mr. G. Don, will be found to be not
uncommon throughout the country, and be generally regarded
as a distinct species, although we have long hesitated to
separate it from M. palustris. Besides Mr. Don, Dr.
Murray* has observed it in Scotland, Mr. Backhouse in
Yorkshire, and Mr. D. Don again in Scotland and in Kent.
It is not rare in some parts of Sussex, especially about boggy
streamlets in open heathy parts of the forests, where it
* See his description of it as a species, probably new, common in the
district of Alford, Aberdeenshire, in Jamesons Edinburgh Journal for December
1828, p. 147.