ENTEROMORPHA intestinalis.
Intestine-like Ulva.
Gen. Char. Frond tubular, membranaceous, green,
reticulated. Fructification three or four roundish
granules aggregated in the reticulations.
Spec. Char. Frond simple, inflated, sinuated.
Syn. Enteromorpha intestinalis. Link, Hor. Phys.
Ber. 5. (fide Grev.). Grev. Brit. Alg. 179.
Ulva intestinalis. Huds. Fl. Angl. 568. Linn.
Sp. PI. 1632. Agardh, Sp. Alg. v. 1. 418.
Solenia intestinalis. Agardh, Syst. Alg. 185.
Tremella marina tubulosa intestinorum figura. Dill.
t. 9 ./. 7.
I n fresh and salt water; attached by a small scutate base,
but soon broken off, and floating in dense intricate masses,
which look as if they were in a state of fermentation from
the quantity of air that is contained in the tubes. Frond
tubular throughout, very variable in length, below very
fine, gradually swelling upwards, obtuse, greatly varying
in breadth, and in general much sinuated. Here and there
a specimen is found forked once, but this is by no means the
common state. The substance is membranous, adhering
imperfectly to paper in drying, of a much duller green than
the last, especially when dry, by which it is easily known.
Frond reticulated, but the reticulations are not disposed
regularly, and have often more than four angles. In some