out, and sometimes slightly projecting at its summit from the
back of the leaf, like the arista of grasses. Capsule ovate-
oblong, slightly cernuous, smooth and shining, of an olive-
brown colour. Lid variable, for the most part conical,
obtuse with a small point; sometimes conico-acuminate.
Leaves of the perichaetium lanceolate, erect and appressed,
with a short nerve.
Approaching in character very near to H. rutabulum (H.
brevirostre, Engl. Bot. t. 1647.), but truly distinct, and in
general appearance more like H. purum and H . murale. It
is remarkable for its compact manner of growth, and for
the beautiful imbrication of its glossy inflated leaves, which
acquire a brownish hue in the summer season. Fruit ripe
in November and December ?
W. W.