VICIA Bobartii.
Small Crimson Vetch.
D IAD E L PH IA Decandria.
Gen. Char. Style bearded in front below the stigma.
Siam. 9 united., I free.
Spec. Char. Flowers solitary, nearly sessile. Leaflets
linear; lower ones inversely heartshaped. Stipules
with a pale depression beneath. Seeds orbicular,
Syn. Vicia Bobartii. Forst, in Linn. Trans, v. 16.442.
V. angustifolia. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 3.282. Sibth. 224.
(excluding the synonyms of Roth and Rivinus.)
V. lathyroides. Dicks. Hort. Sicc.fasc. 4. 12.
V. lathyroides (3. Huds. 319.
V. sativa y. Sm. FI. Brit. 770.
V. sylvestris, flore ruberrimo, siliquâ longâ nigrâ.
D. Bobart. Raii Syn. 321.
V. folio angustiore flore rubro. Dill. Giss. App. 47.
V. vulgaris, acutiore folio, semine parvo nigro.
Bauh. Pin. 345.
G;FATHERED on Epping Forest, Essex. Bobart and
Sibthorp found it in Oxfordshire, Dickson in Hyde Park,
and Smith in Richmond Gardens: it is probably not uncommon
on heaths and in pastures of a gravelly or chalky
The Vicia now figured is the one which Sir J . E. Smith,
after mature deliberation, separated from V. sativa, conceiving
it to be the V. angustifolia of Roth and Willdenow,