IM P A T I E N S fulva.
Tawny-flowered Touch-me-not.
P JE N PA ND R IA JMonogynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. inferior, 2-Ieaved, deciduous. Cor.
irregular,4-petaled; lateral petals interior (mostly
2-Iobed); lowermost, or Nectary, cucullate, with
a spur. Anthers cohering. Caps, of 5 elastic
Spec. Char. Leaves ovate,, tapering to the base,
coarsely serrated. Peduncle solitary, about 4-
flowered. Cone of the nectary longer than the
lateral petals, and twice as long as the closely recurved
emarginate spur.
Syn, Impatiens fulva. Nutt. Gen. Amer. v. 1. 146.
De Cand. Prodr. v. 1. 687. Spreng. Syst. v. I,
808. Hook. FI. Bor. Amer. 117.
I. biflora. fVilld. Sp. PI. v. 1. 1175. Pers. Syn.
v. 1. 257. Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 171. Sweet,
Brit. Gard. t. 43.
“4. Noli me tangere f3. fulva. Michaux.”
j T h IS plant, hitherto regarded as exclusively American,
is found so extensively on the River Wey, in Surrey, and
on several of its tributary streams, that, however it may
have become established there, it can scarcely be refused a
place in the British Flora. Mrs. Finnamore, of Guildford,
has traced it seven miles down the river,from St.Catharine’s
Hill, (a mile above that town,) where our specimens were