Great Hairy Spurge.
MONCECIA Monandria.
Gen. Char. Involucrum cup-shaped, bearing 4 or 5
peltate glands, inclosing numerous male flowers
and 1 female stalked. Calyx and Corolla none.
Styles 3, cloven. Capsule 3-lobed.
Spec. Char. Umbel irregular, mostly of 5 trifid
branches. Bracteas elliptical, glabrous, entire.
Glands 4, rounded. Leaves sessile, ovate-lanceolate,
entire or finely serrated, hairy beneath.
Capsules minutely warted, hairy. Seeds obovate,
Syn. Euphorbia pilosa. Linn. Sp. PL 659. Willd.
Sp. PI. v. 2. 917. Reep. Euph. 63.
E. epithymoides. Babington, FI. Bath. 44.
E. foliis alternis ex ovali-lanceolatis, umbellis di-
phyllis subtrifloris, capsulis erectis muricatis caule
simplici. Gmel. FI. Sib. v. 2. 226. t. 93.
Tithymalus palustris villosus mollior erectus. Barr.
Rar. t. 885.
T. incanus hirsutus. Bauh. Pin. 292 ? Prodr. 133 ?
T. characiaspratensis incanus. Magn. Monsp. 255 ?
T h i s plant, which had not to my knowledge been recorded
as a native of these islands before it was introduced
in my Catalogue of Bath Plants published in January
last, grows in great plenty and luxuriance in a little-frequented
lane to the west of Prior Park, near Bath, and also
in coppice-wood, far from any house, to the east of the same
place. I have not the slightest doubt of its being indigenous
in both the above-mentioned places, as there is not the least
appearance of its having escaped from any garden. It
flowers in June.