ascending. Leaves upon petioles that vary much in length
and are often recurved. Stipules membranous, broad,
attenuated, reticulated. Flowers in subglobose heads,
numerous, nearly sessile. Calyx imperfectly 2-lipped,
when old inflated, membranous, and reticulated; the upper
lip of 2 long, spreading, linear, acute teeth, the lower of 3
shorter,acute teeth. Itis the upperhalf of thecalyx only that
ishairy, and that becomes membranous. Corolla elongated,
for some time persistent, the vexillum placed against the
lower 3-toothed lip of the calyx, and turning downwards,
contrary to the usual position of that part. The legume
concealed in the calyx is 2-seeded. The whole plant,
excepting the calyx, is free from hairs.
A pretty plant, rendered curious by the reversed position
of the flowers, and the hairy inflated calyces of the ripe
heads. It is very likely to become general, but in all probability
has been introduced from the Continent.—J . D. C. S.