S T I C T A macrophylla.
Broad-leaved Sticla.
Gen. Char. Apothecia twofold: scutellae affixed by
the centre only : and cyphellce, soredia, or bare
spots, on the underside of the thallus.
Spec. Char. Thallus coriaceous, imbricated; naked,
even, and green above; clothed with brown fibres
beneath; its segments nearly flat, dilated, sinuate?*
obtuse, very entire. Scutellae reddish brown ;
their margin obtuse, flexuose, mostly pale, at
length depressed. Cyphellm urceolate, empty
whitish. r
Syn. Sticta macrophyfla. Fee Crypt, des Ecorces
Off. t. 33. f ]. and index.—Hook. Bot. Misc.
P. 1. 17. t. 13.
S.macrocarpa. “Delis Mono gr.ined.” Fee,l.c.129.
(text. ) Spreng. Syst. Veg. v. 4. 303.
-NOTHER, instance of the indifference of this tribe to
climate presents itself in the fine Lichen here figured, known
hitherto only as growing on trees in South America and the
Mauritius. We are indebted to Mr. W. Wilson for this
specimen, gathered by himself, in July 1829, by the Turk
ascade, near Killarney. He also observed the species, but
without scutellae, on Cromagloun Mountain, four or five
mues from the other station just mentioned. In Ireland it
grows on shady rocks. A specimen from the Mauritius
ommunicated by Dr. Hooker, differs only in its somewhat
roader and thicker thallus, and in the arrangement of all
the «I1/ * ;atA re ?7dges the the Botanical Miscellany, where tlhobate sf>o rams rise prreegseanrdteedd ians
as the typical form oWf thte sscpaetctieerse.d sb>elds being mentioned
hai lusI®athery’ flexible wfaen wet, more rigid and brittle
S l f f e Its segments loosely imbricated, occasionally ag-
manne ed’ -reP®ated,y (| | vjded, in a somewhat dichotomous
roundeH e-nt° broad’ slightly concave, wavy lobes, with
evervwh S65’ and blantly angular extremities; the edges
everywhere entire; surface even, or very slightly and irrecresre^
pitted’ witboat any elevated veins or powdery ex-
exnospT8’ f ee-n Wltb a tinSe o fgrey, brownish in the most
quffiv1 P tS 1 ln a, dry state a little shining, ash-coloured,
H H R resu®iug the green hue when moistened ; underside
densely clothed with short branched fibres, forming a