£7,fO. ?fibO
Irish Jungermannia.
Gen. Char. Common receptacle of the fruit none.
Perianth or calyx monophyllous, tubular, (rarely
wanting). Caps. 4-valved, terminating a peduncle
which is longer than the perianth.—Hooker.
Spec. Char. Frond dichotomous, ribbed, the margin
membranous, crisped, entire. Fruit from the
upper surface of the frond. Calyx double; exterior
very short, laciniated; interior much ex-
serted, ovate-oblong, subplicate. Calyptra much
shorter than the interior calyx.
Syn. Jungermannia hibernica. Hook. Brit. Jung,
t. 78. and Supplem. t. 4. f . 1—6. Hook. &f
Tayl. Muse. Brit. ed. 2. 241.
O u r specimens were gathered at Aberffraw in Anglesea,
April 1829, growing in moist sandy places near the shore.
This species forms flat, circular, light green patches, two
or three inches in diameter. Frond dioecious, procumbent,
subdivided in a dichotomous manner, variable in shape, the
divisions sometimes very narrow with the margins erect
and much crisped, in other instances broadly obovate and
flattened, frequently beset with erect lamellar processes disposed
in radii towards the extremity of the frond; these
seem to be a luxuriant transformation of the perigonial
scales, and not a characteristic of the species, occurring
only in plants which have abortive fructification. The
nerve is much thickened in the middle, but not otherwise
different in structure from the rest of the frond, covered
underneath with numerous simply fibrous roots. Perigonial
scales purplish, erect, (nearly at a right angle with the
frond,) toothed, crowded and often covering the nerve, coalescing
into the resemblance of a honeycomb, in whose