Downy Jungermannia.
Gen. Char. Common receptacle of the fruit none.
Perianth or calyx monophyllous, tubular, (rarely
wanting). Caps. 4-valved, terminating a peduncle
which is longer than the perianth.
Spec. Char. Frond alternately branched, the segments
linear, obtuse, strongly ribbed, membranaceous,
pubescent on both sides. Fructification
dorsal, attached to the rib. Calyx ob-reniform,
Syn. Jungermannia pubescens. Web. Sf Mohr.
FI. Crypt. Germ. 435. Hook. Brit. Jungerm.
t. 73. Hook. Sf Tayl. Muse. Brit. ed. 2. 241.
F o u n d on shady limestone rocks near Buxton, Derbyshire,
May 1831, interspersed among mosses; sometimes
in dense tufts.
Of hoary aspect, soft and flexible. Frond oblong, once
or twice divided ; the branches irregular, alternate, not dichotomous,
obtuse, with a strong prominent rib, thicker
than in J.furcata; the membranous pagina wavy, minutely
reticulated, everywhere pubescent, never reflexed at the
margin. Calycine scales ob-reniform, pubescent within
and externally, attached at their lower end, the lobes concave,
almost conduplicate ; pistilla (abortive in all our specimens,)
4—8 in number, arranged in two rows, and stand