Calyptra obovate, of a delicate texture. Capsule spherical, dark
brown. Spores brown, elaters paler than the spores. Androecia
on long or short branolies proceeding often from below the perianth,
catkins long or short, perigonial bracts 4-8 pairs, closely
imbricate, roundish-quadrate when explánate, bifid to about
sinus and segments acute, margin quite entire or dentate, comjoli-
cate-conoave, ventricose ; antheridium solitary, oval.
Fruits March, April.
D imensions.— Stems J to ^ inch long, -08 mm. in diameter,
with leaves '35 mm. wide ; leaves "2 mm. x T6 mm., segments
•1 mm., T75 mra. x T25 mm., seg. '075 mm., T75 mm. x T5 mm.,
seg. '075 mm., '225 mm. x T75 mm,, seg. '075 mm. ; upper leaves
•3 mm. x '25 inm., seg. T25 mm.; cells '02 mm., '025 mm.,
•0175 mm, ; sub-bracteole '2 mm. x ^14 mm. ; bracts ^425 mm. x
•325 mm., seg. '175 mm., '4 mm. x -35 mm., seg. •IS mm.;
bracteole "25 mm. x •IS mm., seg. •! mm., '075 mm., •325 mm. x
•2 mm. ; perianth -8 mm. x •S mm., •O mm. x '35 mm. ; pistillidia
'1 mm. X ^04 mrn. ; spores •Ol mm. ; elaters •IS mm. x -01 mm, ;
perigonial bracts ^21 mm. x ^21 mm., seg. ^075 mm.; antheridia
•15 mm. x •! mm.
H ab.—On hedge banks, rocks and stones, rarely on rotting
wood. Rare. 1. Hedge banks near Redruth, Cornwall, 1871,
The Lizard, Cornwall 1883, W. Curnoto. 5. ? 8. Crich, Derbyshire,
W. Wilson, 1833. 12. Westmorland, G. SI abler ; on dead
trees, Rigmaden Park, Westmorland, Peter Breesen. 15. Scottish
Highlands, Drummond.
Pound on the Continent (Sohwartzwasser, Sudetia, Hb. Nees,
as Jung. Starkii, var. minima).
O b s .—Differs from C. divaricata (Sm.) in its monoicous
inflorescence, leaves often very widely spreading, at the immature
flower ends squarrose (henee I suppose Taylor’s name), perianth
always trigonous (not 4-6-angled), angles acute.
In the original specimens i'rom Crich the perigonial bracts are
dentate, in those from Cornwall and elsewhere thej' are quite
D escription or P late LX V III.—Pig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of fertile plant x 64 (Cornwall, Curnow). 3. Portion
of branch, postical view x 31 (ditto). 4-8. Leaves x 85 (ditto).
9. Leaf x 85 (Westmorland, P. Dreesen). 10. Ditto x 85
(Scotland, Drummond). 11-14. Leaves x 64 (Crich, Wilson).
15. Upper leaf x 64 (Cornwall, Curnow). 16. Portion of leaf
x 290 (ditto). 17, 18. Stipules x 64 (ditto). 19. Sub-
braoteole X 85 (Scotland, Drummond). 20, 21. Bracts x 85
(Crich, Wilson). 22. Bracteole x 85 (Cornwall, Curnow). 23.
Perigonial bract x 64 (ditto). 24. Antheridium x 64 (ditto).
16. Cephalozia æraria, Pearson.
Cephalozia æraria, Pears., Spruce, On Ceph. (1882).
Dioicous, cladocarpous, densely depressed cæspitose, eflagelliferous,
minute, tawny or pale brown colour. Stems flexuose,
extremely fine, rootlets closely intertwined, moderately strong,
sparingly branched, branches subhyaline, foliose ; cells of the
stem 8 in diameter, cortical ones 10-15, slightly larger than the
inner. Leaves dissitous-squarrose, almost patent, minute, subcuneate,
obscurely carinate, deeply (to fths) bilobed, subentire,
sinus acute or obtuse, segments ovate or lanceolate, at the base
2-4 cells broad, sub-acuminate, apical cell single, conical (twice as
long as broad), very often incurved, apioulate ; cells minute,
oblong, pellucid, distinctly guttulate, walls at the angles thickened,
epidermis rough. Stipules variable, lower ones often minute or
obsolete, upper ones about half the length of the leaves, lanceolate,
sometimes connate to the nearest leaf, forming a three-lobed one,
the largest rarely bilobed and scarcely smaller than the leaves.
Fertile branches very short ; bracts 3 pairs, nearly twice as long
as the leaves, in sterile flowers free, a little more than to the
middle bilobed, lobes ovate, acuminate. Further organs not yet
D imensions.—Stems j; inch long, •Qô mra. in diameter, with
leaves -25 mm. wide; leaves ^125 mm. x ^075 mm., segments -06
mm., •IS mm. X •! mm., seg. •! mm., •175 mm. x -1 mm., seg.