branches few, ¡jostical-lateral, arising from the postical axil of
leaf; a oross-section shows 12 by 16 cells in diam., with 40 to 50
cortical, all somewhat similar, walls firm, dark ; flexuose, erect or
procumbent, rigid and brittle when dry, somewhat ligneous,
opaque, rootlets few. Leaves closely imbrioate or approximate,
subhorizontal or slightly ascending, semi-obliquely inserted,
bifarious, subsecund, slightly falcate, sucoubous, concave, canaliculate,
ovate-acute or oblong-ovate-aonte, apex bifid to about gfy,
sinus acute, segments acute, unequal, margin incurved, quite
entire; texture firm, cells guttulate, rather minute, sinuate,
roundish-hexagonal, elongate and larger near the middle base,
lumen containing a few nucleate bodies, cell walls very thick, pale
golden brown, no trigones. Stiqmles wanting. Bracts usually a
little larger than the leaves, broadly ovate, acute, bifid from jfy to
L sinus acute, segments acute and unequal, margin quite entire.
No bracteole. Perianth projecting about f beyond the bracts,
terminal, reddish-brown, cylindrical or oblong-obovate, terete
below, 5-7-plioate above, mouth contracted, laciniate-ciliate, cilia
hyaline, delicate, 2-4 cells long.
Male plants not seen.
D im e n s i o n s .— Stems 1 to 3 inches long, diam. -2 mm. to '3 mm.,
with leaves 3’ mm. wide ; leaves IT mm. long x 1' mm. broad,,segments
T mm., 1'3 mm. x 1’2 mm., seg. T25 and T5 mm. ; cells
•02 mm. x -01 mm., -01 mm., •03 mm. x -0125 mm. ; bracts 1^4 mm.
long X 1-1 mm. broad, segment '2 mm., 1-3 mm. x 1^2 mm., seg.
•15 inm. ; perianth 2 25 mm. long x -75 mm. broad, 2' mm. long x
•85 mm. broad; cilia •! mm. long; pistillidia '2 mm. long x
•06 mm. broad.
H-AB.—Growing in rather small and loosely entangled tufts in
alpine situations. Eare.
15. Eocks above Loch Avon, Clova, with perianths, Br.
Greville; Braemar, A. Croall; Ben Mao Dhui, G. Stabler. 17?
Europe, Danubian Provinces, vide Dr. Spruce. Norway,
Obs.—A very distinct species and not likely to he mistaken
for any other British one; the dark colour of the plant with the
remarkably incurved margin of the leaves, remove it far from any
other of the British species.
D escript-ion oe P late CLVIL—Fig. 1. Plants natural size
(Bng. Bot.). 2. Portion of fertile stem x 16 (Clova, Dr.
Greville). 3, 4. Leaves x 24 (Ben Mac Dhui, G. Stabler.)
5. Portion of leaf x 290 (ditto). 6, 7. Bract x 24 (Clova,
Dr. Greville). 8. Perianth x 24 (ditto). 9. Cross-seotion_ ot
perianth, lower portion, x 24 (ditto). 10. Ditto, upper portion
(ditto). 11, 12. Portions of the mouth of perianth x 85 (ditto).
13. Pistillidium x 85 (ditto).
Genus 32. N A RD IA , Gr. fl Bonn.
Jungermania, Schrad. Syst. Samml. crypt. Gew. 2, p. 4 (1797) ; Sm. Engl. Bot. 21
‘(1805); Lyell in Hook. B rit. Ju n g . t. 63 (1816); Nees Hep. Eu r. 1, p. 2 io
Nardia, Gray & Benn. Nat. Arr. Brit. PI. p. 694 (1821).
Mesophylla, Dum. Comm. Bot. p. 112 (1822).
Alicularia, Cord, in Opiz Beitr. 1, p. 652 (1829).
Southbya, Spruce, Muse. Pyr. in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 5, 3, p. 197 (18o0).
Plants medium size, rarely large, cæspitose. Stems prostrate
or suberect, simqile or furcate, branohes proceeding from the
postical angle of the leaves, rootlets usually numerous, pale or
reddish, flagella absent, except in N. compressa. Leaves alternate,
sucoubous, or somewhat close and subtransverse, orbicular or
reniform, entire or retuse, very rarely bilobed, margin quite
entire; cells medium size, snbquadrate, walls rarely thickened,
lumen sometimes filled with chlorophyllose granules. Stipules
present, subulate or lanceolate ; in the subgenus Eucalyæ absent.
Inflorescence dioicous or paroicous ; female flowers terminal, often
sterile on innovations. Involucre (in suhgenus Eunardid) urceolate ;
bracts 2-5-pairs, opposite, connate with the bracteole. Perianth
(in Eimardia) slightly laterally compressed and concrete with the
innermost bracts and connective tissue of the receptacle to form
the urceolate involucre, apex free, ovoid or conoid, obscurely 3-5-
carinate, apex often at first closed, afterwards dividing into