! h.1 ;;
7. Near Bettws-y-Coed, Carnarvonshire, il/. H. A/afc/'. 15. Ben
Lawers, C. J. Wild, August 1878. Ben Mac Dhui, John Whitehead,
July 1876. Ben Nevis, W. West, 1880. Glen Tilt, W. West, 1880.
Moray, A. Croatl, April 1848. Glencoe, S. M. Alacvicar, 1899.
16. Eesipol, Snnart, 8. Al. Macvicar fl W. H. P., 1899. I. Lug-
naquilla Mountain, Co. Wicklow, Dr. D. Moore. Nephinbeg,
Co. Mayo, Dr. D. Moore.
Pound on the Continent.
D imensions.—Stems 1 to in. long, '2 mm. to Amm. diam.,
with leaves 1’5 mm. to 2' mm. wide ; leaves, antical lobe 1'25 mm.
X'75 mm., postieal lobe 1'5 mm. x 1'25 mm., 1‘25 mm. x I ’mm.;
cells '025 mm.; perianth 2'25 mm. x 1' mm.
O bs.—This peculiarly alpine and subalpine species may he
distinguished from 8. undutata hy its neat habit, equal-sized,
closely imbrioate, appressed, almost entire leaves and the mouth
of the perianth being entire.
Nearly all the specimens I have examined of this species have
the lower portion of the stems thickly matted with earth.
D escription oe P late LXXXII.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of stem, antioal view x 24 (Glen Tilt, West).
3. Portion of stem, antieal view x 24 (Finland, S.O.L.).
4. 5. Leaves x 24 (Sweden, S.O.L.). 6. Postical lobe of leaf
X 24 (ditto). 7. Portion of leaf x 290 (ditto). 8. Perianth
X 24 (Glen Tilt, West). 9. Perigonial bract x 24 (Sweden,
4. Scapania seqniloba {Sohwaeg.), Dum.
Jungermania cequiloha, Schwaeg. Prod. p. 24 (1814).
Jungermania montana, Mart. Fl. Crypt. Erlang, p. 155, t. 4, f. 31 (1817).
Radula mquiloba, Dum. Syll. Ju n g . Eur. p. 39 (1831).
Scapania cequiloba, Dum. Recueil, p. 14 (1835).
Jungermania tyrolensis, Nees Hep. Eu r. 31, p. 440 (1836).
Plagiochila tyrolensis, M. e t N. Nees Hep. Eu r. iv. p. xxxvii. n. 17 (1838).
Scapania tyrolensis, G.L.N. Syn. Hep. p. 69 (1844).
Martinellia cequiloha, Lindb. Hep. in Hib. p. 521 (1874). Exsicc. G. <k R. Hep.
Eur. n. 89, 404, 408.
Dioicous ; calcicolous, growing in densely matted tufts, medium
size, of a dark olive green to dark brown colour. Stems simple
or slightly branclied, black, suberect or erect ; radiculose, rootlets
moderately plentiful, hyaline. Leaves horizontally inserted,
slightly ascending, closely imbrioate, regular, of almost equal size,
somewhat pectinate, bilobed barely to the middle, lobes subequal
or the antioal about a third smaller, convex, ovate or trapezoid,
acute or sometimes apiculate, crossing the stem, entire or slightly
dentate, postical lobe broadly oval or obovate, acute or sometimes
apiculate, subentire, texture firm, epidermis very finely verruculose,
cells small, roundish-subquadrate, walls thick, angles thickened,
trigones wanting. Bracts similar to upper leaves or slightly
larger, lobes subequal, subentire. Perianth projecting considerably
beyond the bracts, oblong-obovate, compressed, mouth wide,
laciniate, irregularly spinose-dentate. Capsule small, oval ; spores
light brown ; elaters short, hispiral, dark brown.
Male stems more slender than the others, perigonial bracts
terminal or at the middle, little different from ordinary, smaller,
ventricose ; antheridia 2, oval, with long bearers, along with several
leafy paraphyses. Sometimes gemmiparous, gemmæ greenish-
white in colour, terminal on the upper leaves of sterile stem.
Fruits April, May, June.
D imensions.—Stems 1 to 2 inches long, A mm. to '4 mm.
diam., with leaves from 2’5 mni. to 3'5 mm. wide; leaves, antical
lobe 1-5 mm. x I'mm., postieal 1'5 mm. x 1' mm., antioal 1-25 mm.
X '75 mm., postical 1'75 mm. x V mm., antical 1'5 mui. x '75 mm.,
postical 1'75 mm. x 1'25 mm. ; cells '015 mm., '02 mm., '0275 mm.
x -015 mm.; bracts, antioal lobe 175 mm. x 1’ mm., postical 2' mm.
x l ' mm.; perianth 2'75 mm. x I 'l rnm., laciniæ at mouth of
perianth '275 mm., cilia ditto '125 mm.; spores '0125 mm.;
perigonial bracts, antical lobe '75 mm. x '6. mm., postical
1'25 min. x '75 mm. ; antheridia '15 mm. x '125 mm.
H ab.— Growing usually on limestone rooks. Rare. 8. Lover’s
Leap, near Buxton, C. J. Witd. Miller’s Dale, Derbyshire, W.H.P.
10. Winch Bridge, Teesdale, Dr. Spruoe, July 1843. Wharfdale,
Dr. Spruce, Dec. 1841. Linton, G. A. Hott. 16. On sandy
banks, near the sea, Moidart, West Inverness, 8. M. Alacvicar.
Found on the Continent.