D e sc iìiv tio n or P l a t e CXLVIII.—Pig. 1. Plants natural
size. 2, Portion of stem x IG (142, Thed. Muse. Suec.).
3. Leaf x 24 (Vosges, Schimqjer). 4. Portion of leaf x 290
(142, Thed.). 5. Stiqnüe x G4 (Vosges, Schimper), 6. Bract
x 24 (ditto). 7. Bracteole x 24 (ditto). 8. Sub-bracteole x
24 (ditto). 9. Perianth x 11 (Helsingfors, Lindberg). 10.
Cross-section of perianth, near the base x 11 (ditto). 11. Ditto,
near the ape.x x 11 (ditto). 12. Cilia from mouth of the
perianth x 85 (ditto). 13. Perigonial braot x 24 (Britisli
Columbia, Alacoun). 14. Antheridium x 31 (ditto).
27. Ju n g e rm an ia lycopodioides, Wallroth.
■hmyermania lycopodioides, Wallr. I I . crypt. Germ. I l l , p. 7(> (1831).
Jungermania barbata, vai-, lycopodioides, Nees, Nat. Eu r, Leb. 11, p. 185 (1830),
Lophozia lycopodioides, CogD. Hep. Belg. p. 31 (1872).
Dioicous, cæspitose, medium to largish in size, pale or dark
green in colour, turning brown when old. Stems simple or furcate,
somewhat thick, greenish or bro-wn, prostrate, firm ; radiculose,
rootlets whitish. Leaves semi-vertically inserted, horizontal,
imbricate, orbicular or broadly subquadrate, 3, 4, rarely 5 dentate
to about sinuses acute, segments muoronate, undulate, postical
base of leaf ciliate, cilia very long, hyaline ; texture somewhat
delicate, cells from small to medium size, roundish-quadrate or
oblong, walls somewhat thin, trigones very distinct. Stipules
large, bipartite, segments lanceolate, ciliate. Bracts subquadrate,
to about quadridentate, sinuses acute, segments mucronate, one
or two cilia near the base of braot; bracteole narrowly subquadrate
or cuneate, quadridentate to about -J-, sinuses acute, segments
muoronate. Perianth terminal, oval or oval-oblong, upper portion
5-plicate, mouth contracted, ciliolate or dentate, cilia distant,
unequal. Pistillidia 8-10, cylindrical. Calyptra oval, delicate.
Pedicel moderately thick, white. Capsule almost round, dark
brown. Spores pale brown. Elaters bispiral, pale brown. Perigonia]
bracts 4-6 pairs, closely imbricate, smaller than stem
leaves, broadei' than long, ventricose ; antheridia numerous, 4 or 5
in each bract, oval, bearer long. Gemmae sometimes present,
Fruits A'larch, April.
Dim ensions.— Stems 1 to 2 inches long, diam. '4 mm., '5 mm.,
with leaves S' mm. broad; leaves 2'5 mm. long x 2'5 mm.
broad, segments 1' mm. long, 2' mm. x 2'25 iiim., seg. 7o mm. ,
basal cilia P mm. long; cells '025 mm., '025 mm. x 03 mm.,
•04 mm. X ‘02 mm., ’03 mm. ; trigones '0075 mm. ; stipule 1' mm.
high X 1' mm. broad, segments '075 mm. ; periantb 3' mm. long
X 1'25 mm. broad; cilia at the mouth '2 mm., '1 ram., '05 mm. ;
bracts 2-5 ram. long x 2'5 mm. broad, segments I ' mm. ; bracteole
2-25 ram. long x 1’25 mm. broad, segments '75 mm. ; perigonial
braot 1-25 mm. long x 1'75 ram. broad; antheridia ’2 mm.
X -275 mm.
H ab.— G rowing in somewhat large tu fts on banks or walls, in
hilly districts. Bare.
7, 10, 13. Near Hannalistown Bridge, New Galloway,
J. Ale Andrew. 15. Straoban, Aberdeenshire, /. Sim. 16. Very
rare, Eosliven Hill, Aloidart, AVest Inverness, at 2500 ft. in a tuft
oi Saxifraya lypiioidcs, S. II. Alacvicar.
Found on the Continent, in North America, and Northein
bs.—Easily separated from allied species by the large cilia
at the postical base of leaf, and the muoronate leaf segments.
Distinguished from the variety FloerJdi by its much larger
D esokiption oe P late CXLIX.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of youiig, slender stem, antical view x 16 (Strachan,
Sim). 3. Leaf x 16 (ditto). 4. Cilia from postical base of leaf
X 85 (ditto). 5. Portion of leaf x 290 (ditto). 6. Stipule
X 24 (Canada, Alacomi). 7. Bract x 16 (Sweden, Lindberg).
8 Bracteole x 16 (ditto). 9. Perianth. 10, 11. Cilia from
mouth of perianth x 85 (Sweden, Lindberg). 12. Perigonial
bract x 31 (ditto). 13. Antheridium x 31 (ditto).