D escription or P late XLVII.—Pig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of stem, antical view x 11 (0. & P. Hep. Brit. Exsioc.
n. 187). 3-5. Leaves x 11 (ditto). 6. Portion of leaf x 290
(ditto). 7, 8. Stipules x 24 (ditto). 9-11. Bracts x 16 (ditto).
12. Perianth x 11 (ditto). 13. Cross-section of the perianth
near the base x 16 (ditto). 14. Ditto lower half near the middle
X 16 (ditto). 15. Ditto, near the mouth x 16 (ditto). 16.
Teeth, mouth of the perianth x 85 (ditto). 17-19. Perigonial
bracts x 24 (Killarney, S. 0. Lindberg). 20. Ditto x 64 (ditto).
21. Antheridium x 85 (ditto).
2. Bazzania tria n g u la ris {Sohleioher), Lindb.
Jungermania triangularis, Sclileioh. PI. Crypt. Helv. ii. n. 61 (1805).
Jungermania defiexa, Mart. Fl. Crypt. Erlang, p. 135, tab. 3, Fig. 8 (1817).
Bazzania triangularis (Sclileich.), Lindb. Hep. in Hep. 499 (1874).
Dioicous, loosely cæspitose, or creeping, flagelliferous, small,
brownish-green or olive-brown. Stems diohotomously innovantly
branched, innovations proceeding from the axil of the stipules,
slender, fragile, cortical cells about 20, about 8 in diameter, all
similar ; flagella abundant, microphyllous ; radiculose, rootlets
fasciculate, hyaline. Leaves incubous, horizontal or patent-
divergent, distant or approximate, caducous, deflexed, convex or
plane, oblong-ovate or ovate, apex entire acute or irregularly bi-
tridentate; cells smallish to medium size, roundish, walls firm,
trigones large and distinct. Stipules patulous, orbicular, subrotund
or obovate, entire, retuse, emarginate, or irregularly crenate.
Andrcecia postical, proceeding from axil of stipule, bud-like,
globular. Perigonial bracts 4, 5 pairs, concave-complicate, broadly
ovate, bidentate, sinus and segments small, acute; bracteole oval-
orbicular, retuse. Antheridia solitary, oval, stipitate.
D imensions.—Stems to 1 inch long, T5 mm. to '2 mm. in
diameter, with leaves 1' mm. wide; leaves '6 mm. x '4 mm.,
7' inm. x ’4 mm., '7 mm. x '35 mm., 1'2 mm. x ’6 mm.,
1'5 mm. X'7 mm.; cells '03 mm.; stipules '4 mm. x ‘35 mm.,
■25 mm. x '25 mm., 2 mm. x '2 mm. ; perigonial bract '4 mm.
b a z z a n ia . j g j
X -3 mm ; sinus '05 mm. ; perigonial bracteole A mm. x '25 mm ■
antheridia -115 mm. x -09 mm. ’
HAB.-Growing in loose tufts or creeping loosely amongst
W Dent, Y orks Geo^e Stabler. IS. Borrowdale, Cumberland
Carnngton 8f W. II. P. pg, Moidart, West Inverness’
. L - lacvtcar I. Killarney, Hr. Carrington and others.
I ound on the Continent and in North America.
O B S . - I am u n c e rta in w h e th e r to r e g a rd th is as th e m a le form
. tricrenata, o r as a d is tin c t spe cies, o r as m e re ly a v a r ie ty •
slend* f from B. tricrenata by its smaller size, more
n n o v IS T ’ ' / 8 T ' dichotomously
Z r t e r ( l" ' ’ proportionately
distinct trigones, stipules patulous, usually sub-entire. In var
the leaves are plane, narrower, often entire and apioulate.
ddoe licaattee liabit, brownish-green or olive-brown colour, dichotom“ o°ures
wwTithh wlargeZ trig' o nes andJ ?br oader stipules °^®rlapping, cells
.™ " ‘ r r r " , f " " = ^ r n n - F i g . i. « „ i ,
size. 2. Portion of stem, antioal view x 24 (C & P Hpn RrH
Ex. 124). 3. Leaf x 24 (ditto). 4. 5. Ditto x ’ 64 (ditto)
i i f 1 ■ ”■ Eortion of leaf x 290 (C & P
p(C. & P. n^. 124). 15, 16. Ditto x 85 (ditito). 17. Male ame 6ii^-'
tulum X 24 (ditto). 18. Perigonial bract x 64 (ditto). 19 20
Perigonial bracteoles x 64 (ditto). 21. Antheridium x 85 (dftto)'.