specimen, so lie I'einstateci Lejeunea ulicina, Tayl., and made Lej.
Taylori a synonym of Lej. minutissima, Sm. Considerable confusion
as to these two species has consequently arisen, but if we
remember that the monoicous form with geniculate stems, no
stipules and often found fertile is tlie Lej. minutissima of Smith,
and the dioicous one with somewhat straight stems, stipules present,
and flowers extremely rare is Lej. ulicina, Tayl., we shall be right.
Shortly before Dr. Spruce died he wrote me : “ Lately I came
on the specimen given to Mr. Borrer by Sowerby as part of the
Jimy. minulissirna figured in Eng. Bot. You will see it is L.
ulicina, and when even Hooker did not discriminate between the
two it was impossible Sowerby should.” In my plate of Lej.
ulicina, fig. 4, is a drawing of this p la n t; in Hooker’s “ Brit.
Jung. ” the two plants are given as Juny. minutissima, Sm., but as
I have never heard of any one collecting Lej. minutissima, Sm., in
the Lake District, I should infer that the station given by Hooker,
Keswick, refers to Lej. ulicina. Lej. ulicina, Tayl., is quite distinct
from any of the otlier British Lcjeuneae.
D e s c r ip t io n oe P late XIV.—Pig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of stem, antical view x 64 (Ingleton, Webster and
Pearson). 3. Ditto, postical view x 85 (ditto). 4. Ditto, postical
view X 85 (Herb. Sowerby). 5. Ditto, postical view x 85 (Levens,
Stabler). 6. Leaves, antical view x 85 (France, Husnot). 7-9.
Ditto, postical view x 85 (Ingleton, Webster and Pearson).
10,11. Portions of leaves x 290 (ditto). 12, 13. Stipules x 85
9. L e jeu nea d iv e r s ilo b a , Spruce.
Lejeunea diversiloba, Spruce Journ. of Bot. 1876.
Lejeunea minutissima, var. major, Carringt. Irish Cryptogams Trans. Edin. Bot.
Soc. (1868).
Dioicous, epiphytic on Frullania or other oortioolous species,
small, pale yellowish-green, sometimes nearly white. Stems
slightly branched, branches rigid, suhfastigiate, distant, filiform;
radiculose, rootlets very short, fasciculate. Leaves incubous,
approximate, erecto-patent, angle about 30°, to below the middle
complicato-bilobed (or none), antical lobe slightly concave,
obliquely obovate-oblong, rotundate, rarely obtuse or subacute,
quite entire, postical lobe variable in form and size, nearly equal
to the antioal lobe or half the size, or very minute or absent altogether,
subquadrate, or oval, inflated, the upper border incurved
and notched at the outer angle so as to form a rather blunt tooth,
at the keel broadly rotundate; texture somewhat firm; cells
pellucid, from smallish to rather minute, 5- and 6-angled, subplane,
walls firm, no trigones or thickened angles. Stipules about 3
times shorter than the antical lobe of leaf, slightly broader than
the stem, subrotund or oval, to about the middle or below bifid,
sinus acute or lunate, segments suberect or incurved, subaoute;
sometimes obsolete. Female flowers lateral sessile; bracts longer
than the leaves, suberect, loosely oomplicate-bilobed to below the
middle, antical lobe obliquely obovato-lanceolate, subacute, obtuse
or rotundate, postical lobe almost of equal length or shorter,
ligulate or oblong; bracteole obovato-lanceolate, bilobed to below
the middle, segments narrow, obtuse or acute. Perianth immersed
in the bracts, subglobose, slightly compressed, highly 5-carinate,
very smooth. Andrcecia on short lateral branches; perigonial
bracts 2 pairs, larger than the leaves, very turgid, lobes subequal,
almost hemispherical, diandrous.
D im e n s io n s .—Stems to | sometimes 1 inch long, diameter
•05 to •06 mm. with leaves from 3 mm. to •45 mm. wide; leaves,
antical lobe '35 mm. x '2 mm., postical •175 mm. x •! mm., antical
•2 mm. X -15 mm., postical -15 mm. x -1 mm., antical -25 mm. x
•1 mm., postical -075 mm. x -025 mrn., antical -275 mm. x ^15 mm.,
postical •O; cells -02 mm., -025 mm., -015 mm.; stipules -11 mm.
X -07 mm., segments ^075 mm., T25 mm. x •08 mm., seg.
•04 mm., •125 mm. x •! mm., seg. •04 mm., •! mm. x •075 mm., seg.
•05 mm., -08 mm. x -06 mm., seg. -03 mm.; bracts, antioal lobe
•325 min. x •15 mm., postical '3 mm. x ^075 mm., antioal •375 mm.
X •IS mm., postical ^25 mm. x •! mm.; bracteole '3 mm. x '2 mm.,
segments •175 mm.
H a b ,— Not unfrequent about Killarney, growing on FruUania
germana and other prostrate mosses and hepatics, Br. Taylor, Br,
Spruce, Dr. Carrington, Mr. C. A. Holt,