which are broadly ovate,-slightly swollen at the base, containing
1-3 oval antiieridia.
Fruits Maj', June.
Dimunsio-XS. Steins 4 to 1 inch long, T5 mm. diam., with
leaves F mm. wide; leaves '55 mm. x '35 mm., segments
•125 mm., 1-111111. x '75 mm., '8 mm. x '625 mm. ; cells '02 mm. x
•025 mm,,-02111111. x •0275 mm.; sub-hraets-85 mm. x -65111111.,
■85 nun. x '75 mm.; braot M mm. x -7111111., -8 nun. x -6 mm.,
segments -15 111111.; perianth -8 111111. long; pistillidia -1 mm.
X -04 n u l l . ; pedicel 1 mm. x -16 mm.; capsule -5 mm. x 45 mm. ;
spores -0125 mm., -015 mm.; elaters -1 mm. x -01 mm.; perigonial
biacts -65 nun. x -55 mm., segments -125 mm.
H ah. Grows in broad patches on slanting rocks, usually
uiuiiixed with other species in alpine or subalpine situations.
7. The Glyders, Carnarvon, 71 J/. Holmes; Pass of Llanberis
Carnarvon, April 1876, C. ,/. Wild fl IF H. P .; Snowdon, near
tlie Capel Curig Path, about 2500 ft., April 1878, IF. IL P.
12 . Bow Fell, Cumberland, June 1881, George Stahler fl IF. II. P.
(J and ¥ fruit). 15. Glen Callater, Braemar, Aberdeen, July 18 7 1,
G. E. Ilim l; Locli Kandor, Aberdeen, G. K Hunt; Tillylair,”
Aberdeen, May 1874, J. Sim; Loch-na-gar, Aberdeen, October
1876, J . j§-71 Ah«,- Ben MacDhui, Aberdeen, 3500 it., August
1880, IF. JIWl; Ben Lawers. Perthshire, / . 0. Black. " 16
Moidart, West Inverness, A. M. Macvicar fl IF. H. P.
Pound on the Continent.
O b s .— Easily distinguished from all forms of M. emarginata by
its colour, and the polished epidermis and close texture of its leaves ;
and from M. Funckii by the same characters and its obtuse lobes.”
These are tlie most likely species which it could be mistaken
lor, without a careful study of the involucre. Sometimes the
perianth is a true one, and adnate to the lower portion of tlie
bracts, but generally it is free and not perfectly tubular.
D e s c r i p t i o n o e P l a t e C LX X II.-E ig . 1 . Fertile plant,
natural size. 2. Male plant, natural size. 3. Portion of stem x
24 (Ben MacDhui, W. West). 4-8. Leaves x 24 (Bow Fell
G. Stabler & W. H. P.). 9-12. Ditto x 64 (ditto). 13. Portion
of leaf x 290 (ditto). 14. Braot x 64 (ditto). 15. Perianth,
spread out x 24 (ditto). 16. Pistillidia x 85 (ditto). 17.
Spores X 290 (ditto). 18. Elater x 290 (ditto). 19. Perigonial
bracts x 24 (Ben MacDhui, W. West). 20. Antheridium x 85
2. Cesia revoluta (Nees), Lindb.
Sanosajphus revolidus, Nees, Nat. Bur. Leberm. 11, p. 41!) (183C).
Nardia revoluta, Lindb. Eevis. crit. Fi. Dan. p. 113 (1871) ; (Jarr, in Grevillea, 2,
p. 88 (1873).
Marsupella revoluta, Lindb. in Meddel. Soc. F. Fl. Fenn. 13, p. 288 (1886).
Cesia revoluta, Lindb. in Arn. & Lindb. Muse. Asiae bor. p. 65 (1888).
Gymnomitrium revolutum, Philib. Eevue Bryol. (1890) ; Carr. & Pears, Hep.
Brit, Exsicc. n. 4 (1890).
Dioicous, densely cæsqiitose, small, black in colour. Stems
erect, simple, or slightly dichotomously branched, rhizomatous,
stolons with minute leaves ; radiculose, rootlets few ; leafless
below. Leaves approximate or subimbricate, accrescent on fertile
stems, distichous, patent to patent-divergent, semi-amplexicaul at
their narrow base, complicate-concave, oval or obovate, bifid to
about -J-, sinus acute or obtuse, segments acute, margin of the
. whole leaf remarkably revolute ; texture firm, epidermis papillose
on both sides, cells small, subquadrate or oblong-quadrate, walls
firm, no trigones nor thickened angles. Bracts larger than the
leaves, ovate, emarginate to about 1 or sinus and segments
obtuse, innermost bracts several, smaller, ovate, pale, delicate,
obtusely and irregularly lobed or subentire, margin plane.
Calyptra large, sterile pistillidia surrounding its base, never on its
apex. Pedicel exserted. Capsule spherical.
Fruits Summer.
D im e n s i o n s .— Stems from. J to an inch long, -2 mm. diam.,
with leaves f- mm. to 2- mm. wide; leaves '9 mm. long x '7 mm.
broad, segments -3 mm., f - mm. x '75 mm., seg. -3 mm., -75 mm.
X -6 mm., seg. -2 mm.; cells -02 mm., -025 mm. x -0175 miu.,
•015 mm., -025 min.; outer bract 1-25 mm. long x f - mni. broad,
segments -3 mm., 1-5 mm. x 1- mm.; innermost braot 1- mm.