Siibgenus 3. LOPHOZIA, Lma.
■JuHyenimnia, sect. Lophozia, Dmu. Syll, Jung. p. 53 (1831); Spruce, Hep. Am.
e t And. p. 511 (1885).
Lophozia, Dum. Eecueil, p. 17 (1885); Scliiffner emend Eng. k P ran t. 1; Pflanz.
91 und 92 Lief. p. 84 (1893).
Leaves suborbicular or subquadrate, bifid, in a few species
3-5-fid, quite entire or sometimes denticulate. Stipules absent
or present, often bipartite. Periantb usually deeply plicate, very
rarely cylindrical and smooth.
Section 1. B ID E N IE S , Schiffn.
Stem leaves always bifid; bracts similar or niultifid. Stipules
absent or present.
12. Ju n g e rm a n ia b a n tr ie n s is , Hooker.
Lmgermania bantriensis. Hook, Brit. Jung, in note under J . stipulacea, n. 41
Jungermania bidentata, var. Hook. Brit. Jung. Suppl. t. I l l (1816).
Jungermania hygrophylla. Spruce, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. 11 (1846).
•hmgermania eulearis, Wils. MSS. in Spruce, Hep, Pyren. Trans. Bot. Soo. Edin.
I l l , p. 20 (1850).
Jungermania subcompn-essa, Limpr. Jah r. Schl. Ges. p. 7 (1884).
Dioicous, loosely cæspitose, medium size, of a pale, dark
green or brown colour. Stems creeping or suberect, simple or
innovantly branched ; on a cross-section cells alike, walls dark,
firm ; radiculose, rootlets long, few, whitish ; firm, flexuose, sometimes
flaccid. Leaves succubous, alternate, imbricate, secund or
spreading, obliquely semi-vertically inserted, horizontal or sub-
erect, antical margin decurrent, roundish-quadrate, broadly ovate
or orbicular, emarginate-bidentate, from about to ) deep, very
shallow, broad, rounded, often folded at the base, segments acute
or obtuse ; texture somewhat lax ; cells medium size, roundish or
roundish-hexagonal, lumen pellucid, with few chlorophyl granules,
walls somewhat firm, trigones small but distinct. Stipules lanceolate
subulate, broadly subulate or ovate-oblong, entire or with a
basal tooth on one side. Bracts broadly ovate or broadly oval,
sinus acute, folded at the base, segments acute. Bracteole absent.
Perianth projecting about J beyond the bracts, obovate or ob-
conical, smooth or slightly folded near the apex, composed of a
single layer of cells, about 100 round the middle, near the base
I, 2 or sometimes 3 cells thick, cells quadrate, near the base
elongate, with trigones very small but distinct, mouth contracted,
laciniate-oiliate, 20 to 25 cilia. Calyptra pale brown, delicate,
composed of a single layer of cells above, 2 to 3 near the base.
D im e n s io n s .—Stems 1 to 2 inches long, '2 mm. to '3 mm.
diam., with extended leaves 2' mm. to 3' nim. broad ; leaves 1'25
mm. long x 1’6 mm. broad, segments '2 mm., 1'3 mm. x 1'2 mm.,
seg. '2 mm., 1'25 mm. x 1'25 mm., seg. T mm.; cells '03 mm.,
'03 mm. X ’035 mm., '03 mm. x '025 mm. ; stipules '5 mm. long
X T5 mm. broad at the base; bracts 2' mm. lo n g x l'7 5 mm.
broad, segments 75 and ’5 mm. long, 2' mm. x 1'5 mm., seg.
■5 rnm.; perianth 2'25 mm. long x l '25 mm. broad, 2' mm.x
11 mm.
H ab.—Growing in loose ¡latches, or straggling amongst
mosses on damp rocks or banks in woods. Rare.
7. Dolgelly, Merionethshire,./. ; near Dolbadarn Castle,
Llanberis, Carnarvonshire, JF. II. P. 10. Banks of the Tees, Dr.
Spruce; Teesdale, John Nowell; Bolton Woods, Dr. Carrington.
I I , 12. Westmorland, P. Dreeson; Garburn, Kentmere Park,
G. Stabler; Kentmere Waterfall, G. Stabler; Long Sleddale, Rev.
C. H. Binstead; Stock Ghyll, G. Stabler; Groove Ghyll, Barbon
Fell, G. Stabler (These Westmorland stations probably include
var. Muelleri). 13. Crummy Park Glen ; Ballingear Glen, New
Galloway, J. McAndrew. 16. On a wet bank, rare, Moidart,
West Inverness, S. M. Macvicar fl JF. H. P.
I. Near Bantry, Misa Hutchins; Glengariff, Dr. Carrington;
Brandon, Co. K e rry ; Benbulben, Co. Sligo; Gleniff, Co. Leitrim,
Dr. D. Aloore.
Found on the Continent.
Obs.—This I regard as the most perfectly developed type of a