2. L e jeu n ea ova ta , Tayl.
Jungermania serpyllifoUa, var, B. ovaia Hook. Brit. Jung. t. 42 (1816).
Lejeunea ovata, Tayl. Mss ; G. L. N. Syn. Hep. p. 376 (1845).
1 Molleri, Steph. “ Hedwigia ” (1887).
Dioicous, depresso-c06spitose, small, pale to dark green, turning
brown when dry and old. Stems creeping, sparingly and irregularly
branched, pellucid. Leaves subimbricate or contiguous,
patent to erecto-patent, unequally bilobed, antical lobe convex,
somewhat swollen at the base, hamate, faloato-lanceolate, rarely
ovato-lanceolate, gradually acutate, branch leaves acuminate,
margin quite entire, postical lobe 2 to 3 times smaller than the
antical lobe, ovoid, turgid, free margin involute, quite entire or
rarely with an obtuse short segment near the apex, involute or
plane, inner margin reaching to the stem, but slightly overlapping
it. Cells small, 4-, 5- and 6-angles, subopaque, chlorophyllose,
walls thick, angles thickened, trigones minute. Stipules smaller
than the postical lobe of leaf, about twice as wide as the stem,
suhplane, broadly obcordate-triangular, emarginate, sinus broad,
segments rotundato-obtuse, widely divergent. Female flowers
terminal on short lateral branches, one or two innovations being
produced from below the bracts. Bracts unequally bilobed,
antical lobe plane oval-acute, postical 2 to 3 times smaller, oval-
lanceolate apex obtuse. Bracteole obovate-ouneate, almost to J
emarginate-bifid, segments rotundate. Perianth ohovate-clavate,
upper portion acutely 5-angled. Andrcecia on very short lateral
branches; perigonial bracts 1 or 2 pairs, closely imbricate, erect,
unequally bilobed, antical lobe oval-obtuse, postical somewhat
similar but smaller; antheridia oval-globose.
D im e n s io n s .—Stem i to inch long, with leaves -5 mm. to '7 5
mm. wide, diam. of stem '0 5 mm., leaves, antical lobe ‘3 2 5 mm.
X -1 7 5 mm., postical -1 7 5 mm. x -1 mm., antical ’3 7 5 mm. x '2
mm., postical '2 mm. x '1 mm., antical ‘3 mm. x '1 7 5 mm., postical
•15 mm. X •! mm.; cells ^02 mm. x -0 2 5 mm., ^02 mm. x ^02 mm.,
•0 1 5 mm. X ^02 mm. ; stipules •! mm. x ^15 mm., ’1 mm. x ^125
mm., -1 mm. x -1 mm.; bract, antioal lobe J mm. x -4 mm., postical
lobe A mm. x -2 mm.; bracteole -6 mm. x A mm. ; segments -125
mm.; male catkin A mm. x •175 mm.
H ab.—On shaded rocks in hilly districts. Rare.
7. Barmouth, Merionethshire, Dr. Carrington. Tyn-y-Groes,
Merionethshire, W. H. P. Llanberis, Carnarvonshire, D. M.
Holmes, W .H .P . 10. Whernside, Lees West. 12. Lodore,
Cumberland, Br. Carrington and W. H. P. Eosthwaite, Cumber
land. Dr. Carrington and W. H. P. 16. Invermoidart, West
Inverness, 8. M. Macvicar. I. Toro Waterfall, Bantry, Dunkerron,
Br. Taylor. Killarney, Br. Carrington and others.
Found on the Continent, Portugal {Moiler), Norway {B.
Obs.—Distinguished from L. hamatifolia (Hook.) by the
quite entire margins of the antical lobes of the leaves, from
Lej. calcarea Lib. and Lej. Bossettiana Mass. by the smooth
epidermis, and from all other British species by the acutate or
acuminate antical lobes of the leaves.
I have never met with perianth of this species, nor had Dr.
Spruce ; the description of it is taken from the “ Syn. Hep.”
D e sc r ip t io n of P l .ate V I I I .—Fig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Stem, antical view x 24 (Llanberis, E. M. Holmes). 3. Ditto,
postical view x 64 (Original, herb. Taylor). 4. Leaves, antioal
view x 85 (Llanberis, E. M. Holmes). 5, 6. Ditto, postical
view with stipules x 64 (ditto). 7. Portion of leaf x 290 (ditto).
8-10. Stipules X 85 (ditto). 11, 12. Ditto x 64 (Tyn-y-Groes,
W. H. P.). 13. Bract x 24 (Borrowdale, Dr. Carrington and
W. H. P.). 14. Bracteole x 24 (ditto). 15. Male catkin x 64
(Llanberis, E. M, Holmes).
3. L e jeu n ea h am a tifo lia {Hook.), Dum.
Jungerm.ania hamatifolia. Hook. Brit. Jung. t. 54 (1816).
Lejeimea hamatifolia, Dum. Comm. p. I l l (1822).
Monoicous, densely, intricately hut shallowly oijespitose, small,
green in colour. Stems procumbent, very slender but firm,