1. Blepharostoma trichophyllum {L.) Bum.
Liohmiastfum trichoicUs minimum in extremifate fo rm s , Dill. Hist. Muse, p. 10,5,
t. 73. f. 37 (17-11).
Jungermania triehophylla, Linn. Sp. PI. p. 1001 (1758); Hook. Brit. Jung. n. lo
n, Dum. Kecueil, p. 18 (1835).
Paroicous, cæspitose or creeping, flagella absent ; small, pale
green in colour. Stems procumbent, rootlets few; subdichoto-
mously branched; branches few, long, patulous, all lateral.
Leaves transverse or very slightly incubous, quadripartite almost
to the base, segments hair-like, erect, subparallel, composed of
from 8 to 12 uniseriate cells, postical segment a little shorter,
middle rarely bifurcate, cells medium to rather large in size,
ohlong-quadrate, leptodermous, walls thin, no trigones or
thickened angles. Stipules about half the size of the leaves,
tripartite. Bracts larger than the leaves, deeply quadri- or
multifid, basal pagina 4-6 cells high, lobes dichotomous or
plurifid, segments filiform, outer biacts less divided, swollen at
the base, and containing single small roundish-oval antheridia ;
bracteole quadri- or multifid, pagina 3 or 4 cells high. Perianth
terminal, highly exserted, white, cells subelongate, composed of
one layer of cells, obtusely trigonous, mouth somewhat constricted,
laciniate-oiliate, laciniæ 4, cilia 30-40, composed of 3 to 6 uniseriate
cells, sometimes furcate and occasionally produced from
the upper surface of the perianth. Calyptra delicate, oblong,
surrounded at the base by about 5 sterile antheridia. Pedicel
elongate. Capsule cylindrical-oblong, valves 4, very thin, composed
of two layers of cells. Spores very small, smooth, reddish-
brown. Elaters very long, narrow, as broad as the spores, bispiral,
about 30 turns of the spiral, the whole length of about equal
thickness, similar in colour to the spores.
D i m e n s i o n s . — Stems \ to f in c h long, T mm. diameter, with
leaves spread out 7 mm. wide ; leaves spread out A mm. x '8 mm.,
cura -45 mm., A mm. ; cells '075 mm. x ’05 mm. to ’04 mm. x
•0125 mm.; stip u le -35 mm. x ^35 mm.; bracts •S mm., •G mm.
X 1- mm., cura -55 mm., '5 mm. ; bracteole '65 mm. x -5 mm.,
oura •Sh ram., -5 mm.; perianth 1-8 mm. x -6 mm., 1-5 mm.x
•6 mm.; cilia at the mouth -26 min.; cells of perianth -06 mm. x
■02 mm., -05 mm. x -03 mm. ; calyptra -9 mm., -55 nim., -3 mm.
X T75 mm. ; pistillidia -175 mm. x -05 mm. ; pedicel -125 mm. ;
capsule -8 mm. x -5 ram., -8 min. x -4 mm.; valve -8 mm. x -3 mm. ;
spores -01 mm. ; elaters -4 mm. x '01 min., -3 ram. x -01 mm.;
antheridia ’075 mm. x -06 mm.
H a b .—Growing in small tufts or creeping amongst mosses or
other hepatics, generally distributed, fruits abundantly.
1-4, 7-13, 15, 16. I.
Found on the Continent and in North America.
O b s .— A very distinct species, and not to be confounded with
any other British one. Dr. Spruce has found some of the plants
to be dioicous ; all I have had the opportunity of examining I
find to be paroicous. He describes the spores as being rather
large compared with spores of other British species, but I find
them to be very small.
The description is partly taken from Dr. Spruce’s valuable
D escription op P late XLI.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size. 2.
Portion of stem, postical view, x 64 (Llanberis, W. H. P.). 3, 4.
Leaves x 64 (ditto). 5, 6. Portion of leaf x 290 (ditto). 7.
Stipule X 64 (ditto). 8. Bract x 64 (ditto). 9. Bracteole x
64 (ditto). 10. Perianth x 24 (ditto). 11. Cross-section of the
perianth x 24 (ditto). 12. Perianth opened out x 24 (ditto).
13. Portion of the mouth of the perianth x 85 (ditto). 14.
Capsule X 24 (Europe, Hb. Lesquerieux). 15. Antheridium x
85 (Llanberis, W. H. P.).
Genus 10. CHANDONAIJ-THUS, Mitt.
Jmigermcmia, Linn. PI. Sueo. ed. I., p. 337 (1745).
Chandonanihus, Mitt, in Hook. Handb. Ne-vv Zeal. Fl. 2, p. 750 (1867).
Bhpharosloma, Lindb. Musci Asiaj bor. p. 28 (1888).
Fruit terminal. Perianth tubular, many plicate; mouth open;
stem erect or ascending.