Edge, Cheshire, 0. A. Holt. Whiteley Dean, near Hollingworth
Lake, Lane., G. A. Holt. 10. Strensall Common; Grosmont,
Yorks., M. B. Slater. 13. S. of L. Dungeon, New Galloway,
.1. IIcAiulrexo; Lochar Moss, Kirkcudbrightshire, J. Cruickshank.
15. Strachan, Aberdeenshire, J. Sim. 16. Moidart, West Inverness,
on bare peaty banks with Scapania curta, S. M. Macvicar.
I. Temple Michal, Cork, Isaac Carroll; near Letterfrack,
and Kv'lemore, Co. Galway, I)r. D. Moore; Ballykill, Hill of
Howth, B. McArdle.
Found on the Continent and in Nortli America.
O b s .— A, very distinct species. From Juny. capitaia Hook.,
another paroicous species, it is distinguished by its brown colour,
the closely and uniformly imbricated, concave leaves, areolation
quite different, guttulate, the lumen small, with remarkably thick
walls, bracts and snb-bracts more acutely dentate, perianth ciliolate
; in addition to these charaoters, the plant has a strong
aromatic smell when fresh, and even when dry, which becomes
more noticeable by moistening it.
D escription op P late CXXXIX.—Fig. 1. Plants natural
size. 2. Fertile stem x 24 (Sussex, G. Davies). 3. Leaf x 24
(Dale Ford, AVilson). 4-7. Leaves x 241 (Sussex, Davies).
8. Leaf x 24 (G. & K. n. 187 ). 9, 10. Leaves x 24 (Nassau,
Huebener). 11. Portion of leaf x 290 (Sussex, G. Davies).
12, 13. Bracts x 24 (ditto). 14. Sub-braot, 2nd sub-bract x 24
(Dale' Ford, AVilson). 15. Ditto, 3rd sub-braot (ditto, from
smaller plant). 16. Ditto, 3rd sub-braot (Nassau, Huebener).
17. Sub-bract and leaf near sub-bract x 24 (Dale Ford, Wilson).
18. Perianth x 24 (Sussex, G. Davies). 19. Cilia x 85 (ditto).
20. Pistillidia with paraphyses x 85 (Barmouth, J. Whitehead).
21. Antheridium x 85 (ditto). 22. Spores x 290. 23. Elaters
X 290.
19. Jungermania ventricosa Dioks.
Jungermania minima repens, fo liis lifulis, vagina flo rum ventricosa, Mich. Nov.
pi. gen. p. 9, t. 5, t. 15 (1729).
Liehenastrum quod Jungermcmia minima repens, fo liis bifides, vagina florum
ventricosa. Dill. H is t. Muse. p. 489, t. 70, f. 14 ( li4 1 ) .
J u n g e r m a n i a v e n t r i c o s a , JAak&.Bl. crypt, B rit. fasc. 11, p. 14 (1790); Hook.
Brit. Ju n g . t. 28 (1816).
Lophozia ventricosa, Dum. Eecueil, p. 17 (1835).
Jungermania ventricosa, var porphyroleuea, Limpr. in Cohn. Krypto. I'l. Schles.
1, p. 280 (1876).
Jungermcmia porphyroleuea, Nees, N a t. E u r. Leb. 11, p. 78 (1836).
Dioicous, cæspitose or straggling amongst mosses, small to
medium in size, of a light or dark green colour, sometimes with
a reddish tinge. Stems procumbent or suberect, simple or
branohed, frontally compressed, innovations arising from below
the perianth, single and stout, giving the perianth a laterally
inserted appearance, or several and then slender, the postical side
of the cortical layer usually of a reddish or violet colour ; radiculose,
rootlets abundant, of a whitish colour. Leaves senii-
vertioally inserted, horizontal or patent-divergent, imbrioate or
approximate, on fertile stems accrescent, on sterile stems often
largest about the middle, concave or reflexed, gemmiparous,
obovate, ovate, broadly ovate or subquadrate, obtusely and widely
but not deeply (about ^) emarginate, rarely and only near the
bracts trifid, segments obtuse or acute ; texture somewhat succulent,
cells from moderate to largish in size, 4-, 5- and 6-sided,
roundish-quadrate, lumen usually filled with chlorophyl granules,
trigones small but very distinct. No stipules. Bracts broadly
ovate, ovate or suhquadrate, bifid, trifid or quadrifid ; bracteole
simple and lingulate or oblong-quadrate and emarginate, connate
with the bracts or rarely free. Perianth terminal, projecting
about ^ beyond the bracts, ovate-oblong, obovate, ventricose,
when young and barren, smooth, upper portion obtusely folded,
with about 5 folds, mouth contracted, margin irregular, dentate,
teeth minute. Pistillidia large, long. Capsule dark brown.