comjiosed ot a single layer of cells, about 200 round, npper portion
obtusely 5-plicate, mouth somewhat contracted, laciniate-ciliate,
cilia 20 to 30, 2 to 3 cells long, incurved. Capsule oval, dark
brown. Spores small, pale brown. Elaters dark reddish-brown.
Male stems growing in the same tufts, perigonial bracts terminal,
few, closely imbrioate, bifid or trifid, antical lobe hroadlj' oval,
incurved, ventricose at the base, enclosing one or two oval, large
Gemmas at the apex of the stems or ends of the leaves,
plentiful, brick-red or yellowish.
Fruits April.
Dimunsions.—Stems from g to -g- inch long, A mm. to '3 mm.
diam., with leaves about 2' mm. wide ; leaves, explánate, 1A5 mm.
lo n g x l ' mm. broad, 1A5 mm. x '9 mm., IT mm. x '8 mm.;
cells -015 mra., '01 mm., '02 mm. x -01 mm. ; sub-bract lA5mm.
lo n g x l ' mm. broad; bracts I 'l mm. long x I 'l mm. broad,
I 'l mm. X 1' mm. ; perianth 2' mm. long x '85 mm. broad; cilia
at mouth '1 mm. long; capsule '75 mm. x '6 uiin. ; pedicel '25
min. diam.; spores '01 mm. diam.; elaters '135 niin. long x
'01 m i l l , broad; perigonial bracts, postical lobe '8 mm. long x
'65 mm. broad, antical lobe '5 mm. high x '4 mm. broad; antheridia
'2 mm. X '15 mm.
O b s .—This is a very distinct species and not likelj' to be confused
with any other, the curiously convolute-oomplicate leaves,
which in the common form are usuall}' bidentate, readily enabling
us to recognise it. A large, more erect form has been found on
tbe Continent, and also at Tyn-y-Groes, North AVales, by Mr.
H o lt; it has leaves usually tridentate, but no other character of
importance has yet been observed.
H a b .—Growing on rotting wood, heaths or rooks, in woods
or shady places. Somewhat rare, very rare in fruit.
3. Joydeu’s Wood, near Bexley, Kent, E. M. Holmes.
4. AVestleton Heath, Tuddenham; Holt and Edgefield Heaths
(where it was for the first time discovered in England hy Bev. li.
B. Francis); Mousehold Heath, Norfolk, Br. W. ,T. Hooker;
Hei'i'ingfleet, Suffolk, Er. W. J. Hooker. 7. Tyn-y-Groes,
Merioneth, G. A. Holt, TF. H. P. 9. Bisley Aluss, Cheshire,
IF. Wilson. 10. Strensall Common, Br. Spruce, G. Stahler, M. B.
Slater; near Gomlre Lake, Yorks., M. B. Slater. 12. Naddle
Forest, Mardale, Westmorland, G. Stabler. 13. Rennan Hill,
Ballingear Wood, New Galloway, J. McAndrew. 15, 16. Gleii
Finnan, Br. Carrington ; Aloidart, AVest Inverness, A. M
I. Bantry, Co. Cork, Miss HufcMns; oii dry banks common,
Br. laylor; Botton logs, Cromaglown, Br. Carrington; Ballin-
hassigGlen, Co. Cork, 7. Carroll; Glenifi; Leitrim; Sillaghbraes,
Antrim, Br. B. Moore.
Found on the Continent and in North America.
D esciuption op P late CXLAl.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Stem X 81 (Strensall Common, Yorks., G. Stabler). 3-6
Leaves x 24 (Germany, Hampe). 7. Portion of leaf x 290
(Spruoe, Hep. Pyr. n. 17). 8. Sub-braot x 81 (Germany,
Hampe). 9, 10. Bracts x 31 (ditto), 11. Perianth x 24
(ditto). 12. Portion of the mouth of perianth x 85 (British
Columbia, Alaooun). 13. Perigonial bract x 24 (Spruce Hep
Pyr. n. 17).
24. Ju n g e rm an ia Lyoni, Tayl
■Imujermania quinqiiedentata, Web. et Mohr, Bot. Taschenb. p. 430 (1807) • Eng
Bot. 2517.
.langermania ly o n i, Tayl. in Trans, Bot. Soc. Edin, 1, p. IlG, t. 7 (1844); Dum.
Hep. Eur. p. 73 (1874); Husn. Hep. Gall. p. 40, f. 60 (1875-81).
Dioicous, loosely cæspitose, medium in size, dark green in
colour. Stems simple or slightly ramose, often innovant at the
apex, procumbent or ascending, thick, greenish, postical side
usually reddish ; radiculose, rootlets copious, close, long or sliort,
pale brown or whitish. Leaves sub-vertically inserted, horizontal,
alternate, approximate or distant, spreading or comphcate-concave,
roundish-quadrate, upper part rounded, entire, lower unequally
tridentate to about a fourth, uppermost segment largest, sinuses
acute or rounded, segments acute or mucronate; texture firm,