and the perianth proportionally wider; from small forms of Jungermania
cordifolia—see notes under the latter species.
D escription or P late CXXIV.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Stem X 24 (Miller’s Dale, W. H. P.). 3. Leaves x 24
(276, G. & P.). 4. Leaf (ditto). 5, 6. Leaves x 24 (Miller’s
Dale, G. A. Holt). 7. Portion of leaf x 290 (Miller’s Dale,
W. H. P.). 8. Bract x 24 (276, G. & E.). 9. Perianth x 24
(Miller’s Dale, W. H. P.). 10. Perigonial stem x 24 (ditto).
11. Perigonial bract x 24 (Wharfdale, Herb. Slater). 12. Ditto
(Canada, Maooun). 13. Antheridia x 85 (ditto).
4. Junge rmania sphserocarpa. Hooker.
Jungei'mania sphcarocarpa, Hook. Brit. Ju n g . t. 74 (1816).
Jungermania Goulardii, Husn. Hep. Gall. n. 68 e t Hepático). Gall. p. 29 (1881).
I sphoirocarpa, Dum. Hep. Eur. p. 61 (1874).
Monoicous, rarely paroicous, cæspitose, pale to yellowish-green
to brown in colour. Stems somewhat fle.shy, simple or innovantly
branched, innovations arising from base of perianth, erect or
ascending; radiculose, rootlets ascending to apex of stem, long,
whitish. Leaves succubous, regular, alternate, approximate,
obliquely inserted, slightly decurrent, embracing the stem, secund
or spreading, subhorizontal, orbicular or roundish, somewhat
slightly retuse, concave, plane or slightly undulate, lower leaves
distant and smaller ; texture somewhat fleshy, epidermis smooth ;
cells medium size, 5-, 6-sided, walls moderately thin, firm, trigones
distinct, marginal cells quadrate, distinct. Stipules none. Bracts
similar to the leaves. Bracteole none. Perianth often projecting
far beyond the bracts, usually f , obovate or obovate-oblong,
sometimes with a long neck, composed of one layer of cells in the
upper portion, in the lower 2 cells thick, 4-angled, sometimes
with 5 or 6 angles. Pistillidia 7--10. Capsule spherical, sometimes
slightly hypophysate. Spores brown. Elaters bispiral.
Perigonial bracts terminal on the innovant branches, 3 to 4 pairs,
small, oval ; antheridia oval, with long bearers, 1 or 2 at the base
of each bract.
Fruits March, April.
D imensions.—Stems to 1 inch long, '2 mm. to '3 mm.
diam.; leaves 1'4 mm. long x 1'35 mm. broad; ce lls’04 mm.,
•025 mm. x -03 mm., '05 mm. x '025 mm., '02 mm. x '03 mm. ;
bracts I ’ mm. x '9 mm., '9 mm. x '9 mm. ; perianth 2'5 mm. long
x 1-5 mm. broad, 2-mm. x 1'25 mm., 2’mm. x 1 ■ mrn., 1'75 mm.
x 1-mm.; pistillidia -15 mm. long X ’05 mm. broad; capsule
•75 mm. X -65 mm. ; spores '02 ram. diam. ; perigonial bract
•8 mm. long x '7 mm. broad; antheridia '15 mm.x '125 mm.
Hab.—Growing on sandy or clayey damp banks or boggy
places. Generally distributed.
1, 2. Cadnum Bog, New Forest, Hants, C. Lyell. 3. North
Frith Wood. Kent, Howse. Joyden’s Wood, near Bexley, Kent,
H. U. Holmes. 5. Seokley Wood; Arley Wood; Sherbrook
Valley, Staffordshire, J. K Bagnall. 7. Near Harlech. Merionethshire.
Br. Carrington fl JF. H. P. 9. Early Bank Wood, Staley-
bridge, Cheshire, G. A. Holt. Near Kemple End, J. A. JFheldon,
Hindburn, A. JJJlson. Easegill, West Lane., J. A. JFheldon.
10. Penyghent, JF. West. Spofforth, l)r. F. A. Lees. Bingley,
JF. JFest. Hareley Wood, Todmorden, John Nowell, G. A. Holt.
12, 13. New Galloway, J. McAndrew.
I. On stones by the side of rivulets. Nr. Dublin, Dr. Taglor-
Kelly’s Glen, Dublin, Dr. D. Moore. Lough Bray, Co. Wicklow,
Dr. D. Moore. Toro Waterfall, Killarney, Dr. Carrington. Glenad,
Co. Leitrim, Dr. D. Moore. Hill of Howth, D. McArdle.
Pound on the Continent and in North America.
Obs.— Distinguished from all the other B ritish round-leaved
Jungermanim by the charaoters given, from Nardia scalaris (Sohrad.)
and Nardia compressa (Hook.) by the absence of stipules and
bracteole, from Nardia hyalina (Lyell) and Nardia obovata (Nees)
by its free bracts and white rootlets, from Jungermania cordifolia
Hook., Jnny. riparia Tayl, Jmig. pumila WiA. by its inflorescence
and shape of leaves and perianth, from Jungermania
crenulata, var. gracillima (Sm.) by its larger size, shape of perianth,
&c. See further notes under var. lurida (Dum.).
D escription op P late CXXV.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size.