32 h e p a t i c AS.
dernns dull not polished ; cells small, roundish, walls very thick
basal cells larger, oblong or almost rectangular, moniliform cells
wanting. Stipules distant or approximate, two to three times as
broad as the stem, subrotund, bifid to about r segments acute
sinus obtuse or subacute, margin entire, recurved. Bracts unequally
bilobed, antical lobe oval-aourainate, margin entire
postieal lobe 3 to 4 times smaller, lanceolate-acute or narrowly
triangular-acuminate, margin entire, recurved. Bracteole oblong-
oval, bifid to about the middle, sinus obtuse, segments lanceolate-
acute, margm entire, slightly recurved. Perianth oblong-ovate
tricarmate, epidermis smooth, slightly rostellate. Capsule sub-
sphencal; spores brown, elaters pale brown. Male plant narrower
than the female, catkins linear; perigonial bracts 15 to 25 pairs
closely imbricate, subequally bilobed, antical lobe oval, aL te •
S o T e ’ ventricose; antheridia sub-
DiMENsioNs.-Stem 1 to 3 inches long, with leaves -2 mm.
broad, diameter of stem -15 mm. ; leaves, antioal lobe P 4 mm x
8 mm., postical (evolute) -6 mm. x '2 mm., antical P 2 mm x -85
mm., postical '35 mm. x -2 mm.; cells '02 mm., -025 mm. x '02 mm
02 mm. X •015 mm.; stipules -6 mm. x -6 mm.; segments -]25 mm ■
bract, antical lobe P 6 5 mm. x -8 mm., postical P 2 mm. x -3 mm •
bracteole 1 8 mm. x -55 mm.; segments T mm.; perianth 2-2 mm’
X 1.2 m m .; male spike -4 mm. x -75 mm.; perigonial bract, antical
lobe 75 mm. x -5 mm., postical -6 mm. x -4 mm.
1 “ ‘J "°®ks. Eare
L Mulhon Cove, Cornwall, W. Curnow. 7. (?) 12 . Glen
Helen, Isle of Man, Georye Stabler. 16. Loeh Skene. Invermoidar
, West Inverness, A. M. Macvicar. South of Ireland
somewhat abundant, Dr. Tayhr. Glengariff and Killarney Dr
Carrington. <Uen^ 0. Lindberg. O’Sullivan’s Cascade, Wo/if
and Stewart. Eathlin Island, 8. A. Stewart.
IT '^'"^“ g iish ed from F. Tamarisci
(L.), o f vvhich it has been considered a variety by some authori-
ties, by Its paler colour, more delicate texture, epidermis dull, not
polished, absence o f the moniliform cells, margin of bracts en tir e ;
u n i e M a i ' of perigonial bracts
2. Portion of stem, antical view x 16 (Original, herb. Taylor).
3. Ditto, postical view x 24 (ditto). 4-6. Leaves x 24 (ditto)
7. Portion of leaf x 290 (ditto). 8. Stipule x 24 (ditto) 9
Sub-bracteo e X 24 (ditto). 10. Bract x 24 (ditto). 11 W
eole X 24 (ditto). 12. Perianth x 16 (ditto). 13. Male spike
(ditto) Stewart). 14. Perigonial bract x 24
5. F ru lla n ia d ila ta ta (X.) B um .
Uohmastrum imh-icatum Dill. Hist. Muse., p. 497 t 72 n 27 117411
Jungermania dilatata, Linn. Sp. PI„ p. 1600 (1753); Ho’ok.' B i t . - 1 1 „
Frullania dilatata, Dum. Eeoueil Jung. p. 13 (1835).
ubstratified, small to largish in size, deep purple colLr often
ged with brown, to olive-green. Stems prostrate, looselv and
vaguely pinnate, 8 to 10 cells in diam., cortical cells about 30
lootlets few, dirty white, proceeding from the stipules. Leaves
mbiicate, snialler and then approximate, incubous, distichous,
unequally bilobed, antical lobe crossing the stem horizontal
concave, postical lobe about 3 times smalleJ, contiguous“ t e
stem euoullate, saccate, oval-orbicular, sometimes near the bracts
dely subulate, plane or recurved ; epidermis dull, not polished •
cells smallish, subquadrate or subquadrate-oblong, irregular in
widei than the stem, distant, cuneate or obovate, bifid to i or 1
sums acute, segments acute, outer margin slightly notched n Z
heir base, margin plane. Stylus small, between the postical lobe
and stem, subulate or triangular-subulate. Flowers 9 terminal
on mam stem or branches, no innovant branches immediately
below them. Bracts larger than the stem leaves, unequally
u n i ; 7 rotundate, margin quite entir^,
undulate, often reflexed, postieal lobe half the size or less obliquely