X '45 mm., ’5 mm. x '45 mm., braots 7 5 mm. x '4 5 mm., segments
•1 mm., -65 mm. x '5 mm., seg. '1 mra., '65 mm. x '5 mm., seg.
•15 mni., pe rig o n ial braot '55 mm. x ’425 mm., seg. '1 mm.,
a n th e rid ia -125 mm. x '075 mm.
H a b .—16. Grows in depressed tufts, or straggling among
mosses. Ben Nevis, at about 4000 ft., W. JFest, August 12,
1880. The only known British station.
Found on the Continent.
O bs .—The British form differs from any of the Continental
specimens I have seen in its larger size, but, as it agrees in its
monoicous infloresoenoe, $ and Ç on the same plant, but on
different branches, and in the shape and texture of the leaves, I
have little doubt they are one and the same species. Herr
Limpricht, the founder of the species, described it at first as a
Sarcoscyphus (Marsupella), with a distinct perianth, but soon afterwards
referred it to the genus, or, as Dr. Spruce maintains, suhgenus
Cesia. In carefully examining every stem sent me by Mr.
West, I met with two fertile ones which appeared to have true
perianths, but the specimens were weathered and too imperfect to
rely upon ; others, as figured, well represent the genus Cesia,
where there is no true perianth, and the innermost bracts are free.
Distinguished from other species of the same genus and from any
of the Marsupella by its monoicous inflorescence. Dr. Spruce
found in original specimens from Herr Limpricht a fertile involucre
which had a tubular perianth reduced to a short multilobate
cup, confirming his contention as to the position of the supposed
genus Cesia.
Cesia covferia has been referred by some authorities to Cesia
varians, Lindb. (Meddel. soc. P. Fl. Fenn. 13, p. 238 (1886), Nardia
(Marsupella) varians, Lindb. Muse. Scand. p. 9 (1879), hut I have
found no variableness in the inflorescence of C. conferia, nor does
it agree in otlier particulars.
When barren it might be overlooked for a small form of .Tung,
minuta, Crantz, but from which it is very distinct.
D escription of P late CLXXV.—Pig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of fertile stem X 24, 3-6. Leaves x 31, 7-9,
Ditto X 24. 10. Leaf x 64, 11. Portion of leaf x 290. 12, 13.
Sub-bracts x 64. 14, 15. Bracts with inner perichaetium x 64.
16. Bract x 64. 17. Perigonial bract x 64. 18. Antheridium x
85 (Ben Nevis, W. West).
5. Cesia brevissima (Bum.).
.Jungermania concinnata lì minor, Schleich. Cat. exsicc. (1821).
Acolea hrevissima, Dum. Syll. Ju n g , p 7G (1831).
Gymnomitrium adustum, Nees, Nat. Eur. Leb, 1, p. 120 (1833) ; Schiffn. in
Engl, k P ran tl, Pflanzenf, 91 <fc 92 Lief. p. 77 (1893).
Cesia adusta (Nees), Lindb. in Meddel. soc. E. Fl. Fenn. 13, p. 238 (1886) e t 14,
p. 69 (1888); Kaalaas Leverm. Norge, p. 426 (1893).
Paroicous, shallowly cæspitose, minute, dark brown colour.
Stems intrioately entangled, rhizomatous, rhizomes creeping,
stems somewhat erect, rigid, ramose ; radiculose, rootlets few,
somewhat reddish, fertile stems clavate-fusiform. Leaves closely
imbrioate and accrescent on the fertile steins, more distant on the
sterile, erect or ereoto-patent, oblong or oval, bifid to -J- or -J-,
segments acute, somewhat unequal, sinus acute, rarely obtusate;
texture firm, cells very small, roundish subquadrate, walls firm,
trigones wanting, or small and very indistinct. Braots larger
than the leaves, oval or broadly oval, with one rarely two oval
antheridia at their base, innermost bracts 2, of a very delicate
texture, pale colour, connate with each other, broadly oval or
roundish, quite free from the outer bracts, irregularly dentate,
sometimes with a small ovate-aouminate bracteole present.
Calyptra oval, sterile pistillidia 8-10, dispersed over its convexity.
Capsule dark brown, spores small, pale yellowish or reddish-
brown, elaters hispiral, as wide as the spores, dark reddish-brown.
Dimensions.-—Stems 2' to 3’ mm. long, T mm. diam. with
leaves '3 mm. wide ; leaves '5 mm. long x ’3 mm. broad, segments
'075 mm., '4 mm. x '25 mm., seg. '05 mm., -4 mm. x '3 mm., seg.
■075 mm., '35 mm. x -2 mm., seg. '075 mm. ; cells -02 mm. x
■015 mm., '02 mm. x '02 mm., '015 mm. x '015 mm. ; braots '6 mm.
long x '425 mm. broad, segments T mm., A mm x -4 mm., seg.
•075 mra, '55 mm x '5 mm., seg. '1 min. ; bracteole-175 mm. x