oval or oblong, cylindrical, clothed with long delicate, white
rootlets, mouth and uqijier qiortion furnished with oval or sub-
quadrate, dentate, delicate braots, base solid. Calyjitra oblong-
obovate, adnate at the lower portion to the periantli; pistillidia
7 to 12, very long and narrow. Capsule oblong, reddish brown.
Spores reddish brown. Elaters bispiral. Andrcecia bud-like,
ovate, proceeding from tlie postical side of stem, in the axil of
the stipules, composed of 4 or 5 pairs of bracts with bracteoles,
bracts crowded,broadly ovate, trifid, ventricose at the base, bracteole
broadly subulate, or subulate, bifid,texture much more delicate than
either the leaves or stipules, antheridia single, oval, stipes long.
Eroits in Spring and early Summer.
D im e n s i o n s .—Stems 1 to 2 inches long, '3 mm. in diam.,
with leaves 3‘ mm. to 4' mm. wide; leaves 2' mm. x lA mm.,
lA mm. x IT mm.; cells -03 mm. x '02 mm., '035 x '03,
■025 mm. x '025 mra., '03 mm. x '025 mm. ; stipules
•7 mm. x '4 mm., -firam. x Amm., '45 mra. x '2 mm., perianth
2' mm. X -9 mm.; scales on the perianth '7 mm. x A mra.,
•G nim. x -4 m m.,'4 mm. x '3 m m .,'3 mm. x ■2mra. ; pistillidia,
•3 mm. X ’04 mm., perigonial braot, '35 mm. x '3 ram. ; antheridia
•2 mm. X '14 mm. ; perigonial bracteoles '25 mm. x T25 mm.,
segments T.5 mm., ’3 mm. x '2 mm., seg. '075 mm.
Hab .—In various parts of Britain, but more especially in
subalpine localities, on damp walls, rooks or stones, often in exposed
situations, more rarely in bogs amongst Sphagna. Somewhat
local in its distribution, hut is often very abundant where found
draping damp walls, which are its favourite habitat to the exclusion
of other species.
1. Common in Cornwall, IF. Curnow; Linton, North Devon,
T. IT. Itussell. 3. Tunbridge Wells, G. E. Davies. 5. Banks of
Severn hy Seokley Wood, Staffordshire, J. E. Bagnall. G. Neath,
South Wales, Dr. Carrington; Swansea, South Wales, C. JF.
Slater & JF ILF. 7. Near Bangor, Carnarvonshire, JF. JFihon;
Dolgelly, John JVhUehead; Maentwrog, 7/1 11. P .; Cader Idris,
,/. Balfs ; Barmouth, Dr. Carrington d W. II. F. ; dyn-y-Groes,
Merionethshire, Dr. Carrington d JF. II. P. 9. Bamford Wood,
Lanes., C. J. JFild. 10. Bracken Ghyll, Dent, with marsupia
and Î plants, G. Stahler; Malham Gove, B. Teesdale; Halifa.x, J.
Bolton, 1775; Dulesgate, Todmorden, ,Tohn Nowell. 10. Eydal,
G. Stahler ; by river Luiie, near Orton, Dr. Carrington ; Black
Crag, Staveley, G. Stabler, Stock Ghyll; Windermere J and Ç ;
Langdale; Brown Ghyll, Oxenden, Westmorland, G. Stabler ;
Ulqiha, Westmorland, J. Barnes; Borrowdale, Cumberland, Dr.
Carrington fl JF. I I P. 13. Wet rocks, Lochar Moss, James
Cruickshank ; Brennan Hill, &o., Kirkcudbright, J. McAndrew.
15. Kinnordy, C. Lgell. IG. Very common on wet banks, Moidart,
West Inverness, S. M. Macvicar.
I. Frequent occurrence in many parts of Ireland, but more
especially in the south and west; very fine at Lough Bray,
Wicklow, and the woods about Killarney. I t also extends to the
comities of Antrim and Donegal in the north, and Mayo in the
west, Dr. Ü. Moore; on a damp bank, Howth demesne, D.
McArdle; on damp ground, Ballyhaise woods, Co. Cavan, D.
C. Saint-Ouen, Aug. Martin.
Found on the Continent, but veiy rare.
The male flowers and fruit are extremely rare. Mr. IFilsonvaei
with fruit near Bangor, March 1835, C. Lyell young fruit at
Kinnordy, Prof. lindberg fruit at Killarney. July 1872, J/;-, Bath
young fruit on Cader Idris. Mr. John JFhitehead male flowers and
fruit at Dolgelly, Mr. George Stabler young fruit and flowers near
Dent and Windermere, and some years ago I collected it in fruit
in great abundance on the left-hand side wall, on the road to
Harlech, about a mile beyond Maentwrog, North Wales, where it
was again found in 1899 with abundant fruit by Mr. D. A. lones,
of Harlech.
Obs.— A very distinct species and only type of the genus, not
to be confounded with any other British species.
D e s c r i p t i o n o e P l a t e CLXXXIL—Pig. 1. Plants, sterile,
I and Ç, natural size. 2. Portion ot stein, antioal view x 11
(Dolgelly, J. Whitehead). 3. Portion of stem, postical view x 24
(Dolgelly, J. Ralfs). 4. Portion of leaf x 290 (Dolgelly, J.