mature somewhat rarer. Leaves tristichous transverse, somewhat
broad, complicate-carinate, where large confertus equitant, bilobed
to the middle or beyond, lobes subacuminate, entire or often
(principally the upper) denticulate or spinulose—sometimes the
surface spinose-muricate; cells small pellucid quadrate-hexagonal,
at the axis subelongate, walls more or less thickened. Postical
leaves (stipules) similar to the lateral and hardly any smaller.
Inflorescence dioicous, rarely paroicous, terminal; ¥ innovations
often present. Bracts several pairs, more or less crowded capitate,
distinctly larger than the leaves; in other characters hardly
different, except sometimes trilobed, with the margin coarsely
dentate, rarely connate. Perianth free emersed oblong, at the
base 2 cells thick, above delicate, frontally suboompressed, antically
deeply unisulcate, postical 3 carinate, at the apex 10-8-plicate ;
mouth eitlier wide or subconstricted, denticulate.
1. Antlielia julacea (A.), Dum.
Lichenasirum atpinum, B r y i julacei argentei facie, Dill. Hist. Muse. t. 73, 1. 38
Jungermania julacea, Linn. Sp. Pi. 11, p. 1601 (1753); Liglitf. Fl. Scot. p. 785
(1777); Hook. Brit. Jung. t. 2 (1816).
:ea, Dum. Eecueil, p. 18 (1886); Spruce, On Ceph. p. 81 (1882).
Dioicous, densely and intricately cæspitose, flagella wanting,
from small to largish in size, brownish or olive-green in colour,
glaucescent when dry, often infested with slimy or confervoid
matter. Stems erect or procumbent, filiform, firm, composed of
equal opaque cells, about 30 cortical, 10 to 12 cells in diam, when
dry rigid, unequally pinnate, branches all lateral ; radiculose, in
tlie young state rootlets abundant, when mature somewhat rarer.
Leaves tristichous, transversely inserted, appressed, erect, closely
imbricate or rarely distant, complicate-carinate, concave, oblong,
to about two-thirds bilobed, sinus acute, narrow, segments ovate-
lanceolate, acute or subacuminate, entire or rarely erose-dentioulate,
recurved at both sides ; texture firm, epidermis smooth, cells
rather minute to small, subquadrate, 4-, 5-, and 6-angled, near the
base, at the middle a little elongate, walls thick, no trigones or
thickened angles, composed of two layers of cells at the base,
above one layer, upper portion often hyaline. The third postical
leaf (stipule) similar to the others, sometimes slightly smaller.
Bracts several pairs, more or less crowded, capitate, larger than the
leaves, 2 to 3 colls tliick near the base, oblong-oval, bilobed to
about tlie middle, sinus narrow, acute, segments ovate-lanceolate,
acute or acuminate, margin denticulate, or entire. Bracteole
smaller tlian the bracts, bilobed to about the middle, erose-
dentioulate. Perianth composed of two layers of cells at the
base, one layer and delicate above, near the middle about 100 cells
round, free, terminal, projecting about half beyond the bracts,
oblong-oval, upper half multi- and deeply plicate, frontally subcompressed,
antically deeply unisulcate, at both sides of the
furrow the upper margin carinate, postical 3-(2) carinate, at the
apex several small keels added (10-8-plicate), mouth wide or sub-
constricted by the folds, laciniate, laciniæ denticulate. Calyptra
ovoid-globose, 2 to 3 cells thick at the base, pistillidia few (5 or 6)
dispersed on the upper portion of the calyptra. Capsule subglobose,
composed of two layers, small, dark brown. Spores pale
brown, elaters about as broad or a little broader tlian the
Androecia a t th e apex or middle o f th e stem, on separate ones
from th e ¥ a lth o u g h often en tan g led w ith th em ; perigonial
bracts 4 -6 pairs, somewhat similar to th e leaves only a little
broader, sometimes slig h tly den ticu la te , closely imbricate, sub-
seound, ventricose a t th e base ; an th e rid ia large, single, oval,
bearer short.
Dimensions.— Stems from J to 2 inches lo n g (rarely more),
diameter ’2 mm., w ith leaves '4 mm. wide ; leaves A mm. x '2 mm.,
segments ’3 mm., A5 mm. x "3 mm., segments '3 mm., "4 mm.
X '25 mm., segments ’3 mm. ; cells '02 mm., '02 mm., '015 mm.
X ’01 mm., -025 mm. x '015 mm., '02 mm. x ’01 mm., ‘02 mm. x
■01 mm., ’015 mm. x '015 mm. ; su b -b ra ct 7 mm. x '45 mm.,
segments "4 mm. ; b ra cts A mm. x '65 mm., segments '6 mm.,
'8 mm. X A mm., segments A mm., 7 5 mm x '65 mm., segments