bracteoles A mm. x T75 mm., A mm. x T5 mm., A25 mm. x
T mm.; periantb 3' mm. x l'4 mm., 2'75 mm. x l'5 mm.;
pistillidia '2 mm. x ’05 mm.
H a b .—On wet rocks on mountains. 7. Glyders, North Wales,
F. M. Holmes, 1876.
Extremely rare.
O b s .— Distinguished from Ceph. Jtuitans (Nees) by its smaller
size, lurid colour, leaves more frequently trilobed, much smaller
cell structure, in being acrocarpous, perianth with mouth laciniate-
From small forms of Jmy. inflata Huds., in having postical,
flagelliform branches, distinct polyphyllous involucres, constant
presence of bracteole, perianth being visibly (although very
obtusely) trigonous upwards and rather wide-mouthed.
D e s c r ip tio n o f P l a t e LXIV.—Pig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of stem, postical view x 24. 3-7. Leaves x 24.
8. Portion of leaf x 290. 9-13. Stipules x 85. 14. Bract x 24.
15-17. Bracteoles x 85. 18. Periantb x 16 (Glyders, E. M.
Subgenus 2. ODONTOSCHISMA, Dim.
Oclontoaohisma, Dum. Recueil, p. 19 (1835) (genus).
Sphagncecetis, Nees in G.L.N. Syn. Hep. p. 148 (1845).
Jungermania, Dicks. &c.
Plants somewhat robust, green or lurid, sometimes rosy, rarely
whitish, spreading, in closely intricate layers, or creeping upon
mosses, very often densely cæspitose. Stems firm, suhterete,
prostrate or repeatedly arcuate, with the flagelliferous branohes
rooting; leafy branohes few, similar to the stem. Cells of the
stem about 8 in diameter, cortical 20-22, about equal in size to
the inner ones and of the same colour, sometimes more opaque.
Leaves suooubous, inserted at the base diagonally or almost
longitudinally, broadly ovate or suborbioulate rotundate or retuse,
rarely ohoordate or emarginate-bidentate, more or less concave,
entire ; cells medium size or very small, equilateral, walls in some
sqiecies delicate, in others with the angles thickened, epidermis
sometimes scaberulous. Stipules minute and everywhere obvious,
or partly obsolete, sometimes none. Inflorescence for tbe most
part dioicous, in a few monoicous; ¥ cladogenous. Fertile
branohes short. Bracts small, tristichous, sometimes bifid, rarely
3-4-fid. Perianth large, leptodermous, trigonous-fusiform, very
often narrow, mouth ciliate or denticulate, sometimes closed and
dividing at a lateral cleft. Calyptra leptodermous. Capsule
ojdindrioal oblong, in other respects similar to all Ceplialoziai.
Andrcecia constantly on whitish small amentula, very rarely more
robust and terminal; perigonial bracts minute ; antheridia situated
in their axils.
Often gemmiparous, gemmso collected in heads upon the
attenuated tips of the branches.
12. Cephalozia Sphagni [Dicks.), Spruce.
Jimgernmnia Sphagni, Dicks. Crypt. Brit. (1785); Hook. Brit. Ju n g . t. 83 {pj-o
parte) (1816).
rieuroschisma (Odontoschisma) Sphagni, Dum. Syll. Ju n g . p. 68 (1831).
Odontoschisma Sphagni, Dum. Recueil, p. 1!) (1835).
Sphagnoecetis Sphagni, Nees in G.L.N. Syn. Hep. p. 148 (1845).
Cephalozia (Odontoschisma) Sphagni (Dicks.), Spruce, On Cephalozia, p. 60
Dioicous, loosely oæsqntose or creeping sparsely among mosses,
flagelliferous, largish in size, green or brownish-green in colour.
Stems procumbent, elongate, arcuate, simple or with few postieal
branches, firm, flexuose, gemmiparous branches wanting, cortical
cells 25-30, yellowish-brown, similar in size to the inner ones
only with thicker walls, 10-12 cells in diameter, inner cells subopaque
; flagella postical, stont, firm, covered with minute rootlets
or short conical cells; radiculose, rootlets numerous, minute,
simple hyaline, proceeding from the postical side of the stem.
Leaves imbricate or approximate, alternate, bifarious, patent-
divergent to patent, subobliquely or almost longitudinally inserted,
secund, concave, never repand or undulate, very slightly deourrent
antically, ovate-rotund, entire, rotundate, retuse or sometimes