brown. Stems simple or slightly branched; leaves regular, sub-
transverselj'inserted, distant to approximate, deeply divided into two
lobes, margin entire or rarely minutely and distantly denticulate,
antioal lobe about -J-rd smaller, reniform, arched, decurrent, incumbent,
convex, postical lobe subrotnnd, a little reflexed ; cells rather
large, sometimes elongate, hexagonal, walls thin. Bracts similar
to the leaves. Perianth obovate, mouth wide, entire, rarely
minutely denticulate ; spores smooth, pale brown; elaters reddish-
brown. Male stems somewhat similar to others; perigonial
bracts imbricate, ventricose, lobes more equal.
Fruits May, June.
Dimensions.—Stems 2 to 4 inches long, '2 mm. to '4 mm.
diam., with leaves 2'5 mm. to 8'5 mm. broad; leaves, antioal
lobe ’9 mm. x '9 mm., 7 mm. x 7 mm., '4 mm. x '6 mm., postical
1'9 mm. X 2’2 mm., 1’9 mm. x 175 mm., 1'5 mm. x 1'25 mm. ;
cells "05 mm. x '03 mm., '04 mm. x ’035 mm.; perianth 3'5 mm.
X 175 mm., 1'5 mm. x 1' mm. ; valves of capsule 1'4 mm.
X -65 mm. ; spores '02 mm. ; elaters '08 mm. long x '01 mm.
H a b .—Grows on wet rocks and in swampy places in subalpine
and alpine districts. Eare.
7. Clogwyn du Arddu, Snowdon, Carnarvonshire, G. A. Holt,
1883. Nant Francon, Carnarvonshire, Br. Carrington & W. H. P.,
1886. 10. Bog, south of Ingleboro’, Yorks, Hr. C'am'wyfora, 1857.
15. Ben Mac Dhui, A. Croall, W. West, T. Rogers. Ben Lawers,
G. A. Holt, W. West. 16. Loch Rannoch, Hr. Carrington.
Moidart, West Inverness, 8. M. Macvicar.
I. Knookavoila, Hr. Taylor. Lough Bray, Hr. H. Moore. Near
the Hunting Tower, Cromaglown, Hr. H. Moore. Connor Hill,
Co. Kerry, Hr. H. Moore.
Found on the Continent.
O b s .— A few fine teeth are to be observed on the leaves and
at the mouth of the perianth of some specimens when highly
magnified. The only species with which S. uliginosa can be confounded
are 8. undulata and 8. irrigua, and from the former it
may be distinguished by its very reniform antical lobe, which
retains, all the length of the stem, its relatively small size ; in
S. undulata the two lobes usually become more equal near the
apex, the cells are usually larger and the leaves more delicate ; in
8. irrigua the postical lobe is more or less acute, tlie antical never
reniform, and the lobes are more equal in size.
D escription op P late XCIII.—Fig . 1. Plants na tu ra l size.
2. Portion of stem, antioal view x 24 (Lapland, S. 0. L.).
3. Portion of stem, postical view x 24 (Ben Lawers, West).
4. Portion of leaf x 290. 5. Perianth x 31 (510, G. & R.).
15. Scapania rosacea (Corda), Dmu.
Jungermania rosacea. Corda in Sturm. DeutachL Fl. 11, xxli.—xxlii. p. 9G, f. 29
Scapcmia rosacea, Dum. Kecueil. p, 14 (1835).
Plagiochila rosacea, M. & N. in Nees, Nat. E u r. Leberm. I l l , p. 525 (1838).
Scapania curta, var, rosacea, Carr. Brit. Hep. p. 87 (1874-76).
Dioicous ; cæspitose ; small ; claret coloured. Steins simple
or rarely sparsely innovant, erect or ereoto-decumbent, somewhat
tender and fleshy; radiculose, rootlets dirty-white. Leaves
approximate, patent-divergent, distichous, unequally bilobed,
postical lobe obliquely obovate, cultriform, shortly cuspidate or
apiculate, plane or slightly concave, antioal lobe much smaller,
snbquadrate, obliquely ovate to cuneiform, acute, ascending ;
margin quite entire ; epidermis smooth, texture somewhat lax ;
cells small, roundish, walls and angles thickened, no trigones.
Bracts rather larger than the leaves, with apices of the lobes more
rounded. Perianth projecting about half way beyond the bracts,
ovate-oblong, compressed, subplioate, mouth truncate, entire or
slightly irregular. Male stems rather smaller ; perigonial bracts
on the upper half, approximate or imbrioate, erecto-patent, more
equally bilobed than the leaves, lobes more rounded, swollen at
the base ; antheridia large, roundish-oval.
Fruits March, April, May.
D imensions.—Stems to J inch long, 3' mm. thick, with
leaves 1'5 mm. to 2' mm. broad; leaves, antical lobe '6 mm. long