plentifal, long, whitish, ascending to apex of stem ; simple or
innovantly branched, branches lateral, sub-postical, proceeding
from axil of leaves or from below the perianth. Leaves contiguous,
alternate, horizontal or slightly ascending, slightly deourrent
antioally, secund or spreading, suborbicular, entire or slightly
retuse, undulate, lower leaves distant and smaller; texture flaccid,
epidermis smooth, cells roundish, medium size, lumen hyaline,
with few chlorophyllose granules, walls distinct, angles thickened,
trigones small and often indistinct, stipules present near apex of
stem, absent below, subulate or suborbicular. Bracts broadly
oval or suborbicular, entire or emarginate, undulate, with a small
seo'inent on one side near the base ; bracteole o small, free, suborbicular
or obovate. Perianth projecting f beyond the bracts,
oblong, composed of a single layer of cells, about 200 round the
middle, terete at the base, trigonous near the middle and 6-plioate
at the upper part, mouth lobate, lobes entire, hyaline, delicate.
Calyptra very delicate, cells with thin walls, no trigones. Capsule
oval, dark brown. Spores dark reddish-brown ; elaters, of a lighter
colour, hispiral, 20-25 turns of the spiral.
Fruits October.
D im e n s io n s .— Stems about an inch long, diam. '3 mm.;
leaves 1'6 mm. x 1'6 mm., 1'7 mm. x 1’4 mm., 1’6 mra. x •15mm.,
l-5mm, x 1'75 mm., 1-3 mm. x I'Sm m .; cells'04 mm.,’03 mm.,
’025 mm. ; trigones '005 mm. ; stipules ’4 mm. x -5 mm., '5 mm.
x ’6 mm. ; bracts 1’5 mm. x 1'25 mra., 1'6 mm. x 1'5 mm, ;
bracteole 1' mm. x '75 mm.; perianth 3 'mm. long x I 'l mm.
broad ; pistillidia '225 mm. x '06 mm. ; spores '02 mm.; elaters
T25 mm. x -01 mm.
H a b .—Growing in loose patches, or creeping amongst Sphagna.
Very rare.
12. Barrowfield, Westmorland, G. Stabler, October 1878.
D e sc e ip t io n oe P la t e CXXX.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size-
2. Portion of fertile stem x 16. 3-7. Leaves x 16. 8. Portion
of leaf x 290. 9-11. Stipules x 24. 12, 13. Bracts x 16.
14. Bracteole x 16. 15. Cross-section of perianth, lower balf
x 24. 16. Ditto, upper half, near the middle x 24. 17. Portion
of mouth of perianth x 85.
Westmorland, G. Stahler).
18. Pistillidium X 85 (Barrowfield,
Suhgenus 2. GY3IN0G0LEA, Bum.
Jungermania, sect. Gymnocolea, Dum. SyU. Ju n g , p. b i (1831).
Gymnocolea, Dum. Eecueil, p. 17 (1835).
Plants without stipules. Leaves subclecurrent, flattened, bilobed.
Bracts small, similar to the leaves. Perianth exserted,
erect, naked, terete, contracted at the apex, nioutb. denticulate.
Capsule four-valved, coriaceous, Elaters double, deciduous.
10. Ju n g e rm an ia inflata, Iludaon.
Jungermania inflata, Huds. Fl. Angl. p. 511 (1798); Hook. Brit. Jung. t. 38
Gymnocolea inflata, T)um. Eecueil, p. 17 (1835).
Dioicous, densely or loosely cæspitose, eflagelliferous, from
small to largish in size, green or brownish-green, sometimes black
in colour. Stems on a cross-section 8 x 10 cells in diameter,
20 cortical cells, similar to the inner ones, a few rather larger,
lumen clear, walls thin, firm ; procumbent, lax, simqjle or sparingly
furcately branched, branches lateral, slightly postical, arising from
the mid-axil of a leaf or from its postical angle ; radiculose, rootlets
frequent or sparse, long or short, delicate, ascending to the
apex of the stem. Leaves bifarious, distant or approximate,
semi-vertically obliquely inserted, antioal margin slightly decurrent,
horizontal or slightly ascending, plane or a little concave, oval or
roundish-obovate, bifid to about a third, sinus roundish, rarely
acute, segments obtuse ; texture lax, cells smallish, subquadrate,
lumen clear, walls firm, pale olive, no trigones, angles slightly
thickened. Stipules wanting, very rarely sublioral, small, subulate.
Bracts similar to the leaves, only smaller, bracteole wanting or
rarely present, similar to the liracts, hut smaller. Perianth
terminal on main stem or on long leafy branohes, projecting far
beyond the bracts, oblong-oval, obovate, jiyriform or cylindrical.