when growing with S. oniithopodioides (With.) {S.planifolia,Hook.),
but is distinguished from it by being rather more slender, more
erect, and not in layers, as that species usually is ; lower lobe
smaller, recurved, whilst in S. ornithopodioides it is flat and spreading,
giving this latter plant a compressed appearance. Under the
lens the long irregularly spinous cilia at once distinguish it, for,
although the cilia vary in size in 8. ornithopodioides on different
stems, they are always regular and straight, never curved, as they
frequently are in 8. nimbosa. The upper lobe is concave from the
sides being inflexed, with the point incurved ; it is not appressed
to the stem, nor should I consider the lower lobe so much deflexed
as to give the shoots a squarrose appearance, as they have been
D escription of P late LXXX VII.—Pig. 1. Plants natural
size. 2. Portion of stem, antioal view x 16. 3. Portion of
stem, postical view x 24. 4. Leaf, antical lobe x 24. 5. Leaf,
postical lobe x 24. 6. Portion of leaf x 290. (All Brandon
Mt., Dr. Taylor, 1813.)
9. Scapania nemorosa (Z.), Bum.
.lungm-mania nemm-osa, foliia acutiorihus, auriiis, tenuissime denticulatis, Mich.
Nov. pi. gen. p. 7, t. 5, f, 8 (1729).
Lichmastrum auriculatum, p iu n is minoribus, crcnatis, Dill. Hist. Muso p 490
t. 71, f. 18 (1741).
.fungermania nemorosa, Linn. Sp. pi. 1 ed. p. 1132 (1753).
Martindlius nemorosa, Gr. & B. Nat. A rr. Brit. pi. 1, p. 692 (1821).
S adula nemorosa, Dum. Comm. Bot. p. 112 (1828).
Scapania nemorosa, Dum. Eecueil, p. 14 (1835).
Dioicous, laxly cæspitose, medium size, green to greenish-
brown colour. Stems simple or sparingly branched, ascending or
erect; radiculose, rootlets few, hyaline; firm, red to dark brown,
outer layer of cells dark brown, inner white. Leaves transversely
inserted, slightly ascending, lower leaves somewhat distant or
contiguous, upper imbricate, bifarious, alternate, margin ciliate-
dentate, unequally bilobed to about the middle, antioal lobe about
half the size of the postical, cordate, acute, incumbent, postical
ovate, rotundate, convex, reflexed ; epidermis smooth, cells subquadrate,
walls rather thick, no trigones. Bracts similar to
leaves. Perianth terminal, projecting high beyond the bracts,
obovate, frontally compressed, composed of a single layer of cells,
mouth wide, truncate, ciliate-dentate. Capsule roundish, reddish-
brown. Spores minute, round, light brown. Platers bispiral.
Male stems similar to others, only perigonial bracts more crowded,
terminal or in the middle of the stem, antical lobe rounder, ventricose
at base, 3-6 antheridia enclosed, which are oval, with long
hearers. Stems sometimes gemmiparous, geinmse at apex of stem
or terminal leaves, dark brown.
Pruits April, May, June.
D imensions.—Stems 1 to I j inch long, A mm. diam., with
leaves 4' ram. broad; leaves, antical lobe 2A mm. x 175 mm.,
postical 275 mm. x 2 ’ mm., marginal teeth '075 mm.; cells
•03 mm., •04 mm. x 02 mm., ^025 mm. ; bracts, antical lobe
2^25 ram. x 1^5 mra., postical 3^ mm. x 2' mm.; perianth 3^75 mm.
X 2' mm., teeth of mouth •075 mm., •! mm.; perigonial bract,
antical lobe 2’ mm. x 2-25 mm., postical 3^ mm. x 2^5 mm.;
antheridia '25 mm. x •175 mra.
H a b .—Grows in woods and shady places on rooks or rotting
wood. Generally distributed.
1. West Cornwall, frequent, W. Ciirnow. 2. New Forest,
Hants, C. Lyell. Cadnam Bog, C. Lyell. 3. North Frith Wood,
Hoivse. Swanoombe Wood ; King’s Wood, near Maidstone, Kent,
Zi M. Holmes. 4, 5. Cloud, R. Garner. Seokley Wood; Arley
Wood; Mayfield; Ordesley Brook; Leek, Stafibrdshire, I. L\
Bagnall. 6, 7. Dolgelly, Merionethshire, Hr. Carrington and
W .H .P . 8. Stirrup Wood, Derbyshire, G. A. Holt. 9. Bamford
Wood; Clifton Junction, Lane., G. A. Holt. 10. Aireyholme
Wood and Bilsdale, W. Mudd; Bolton Woods, Dr. Carrington.
Teesdale, Dr. Spruce. Clapdale, Dr. Carrington, George Stabler.
Dentdale, Dr. F. A. Lees. Whernside, Dr. F. A. Lees. Eibbledale,
Dr. F. A. Lees. KvnokSe, W. West. l\k\eg. Dr. Carrington. Shiplev
Glen, Hr. Carrington. Todmorden, A . 12. Westmorland,
Hudson. Stock Ghyll, G. Stabler. Staveley, G. Stabler.