antical, oval, very convex, free margin slightly involute or
adpressed to the antioal lobe. Texture very pellucid, and when
dry shining ; cells smallish, 4-, 5-, and 6-angled, lumen but slightly
chlorophyllose, walls somewhat thick, trigones present. Stipules
smaller than the postical lobes of the leaves, 2 to 3 times as wide
as the stem, very convex, subrotund, bifid to nearly the middle,
sinus more or less broad and obtuse, segments somewhat obtuse.
Female flowers on short lateral branches. Bracts unequally
bilobed, antical lobe oval, narrow at the base, apex sub-acute or
obtuse, postical lobe 4 times smaller than the antical, oval-lanceolate
; bracteole oval, bifid to J, sinus narrow, sub-acute, segments
acute. Perianth projecting slightly beyond the bracts, pyriform-
clavate, terete below, above 5-plicate, wings prominent, very acute,
complánate, upper margin slightly crenulate. Calyptra obovate,
large, composed of somewhat large and irregular-shaped cells.
Andrcecia on short lateral branches ; perigonial bracts few 2-4
pairs, closely imbricate, erect turgid, bifid, antical lobe broadly
ovate, postical somewhat similar but rather smaller; antheridia
two, oval-globose.
D im e n s i o n s .—Stem about J an inch long, '075 mm. in
diameter, with leaves "8 mm. wide; leaves, antical lobe ’5 mm. x
•375 mm., postical '2 mm. x '15 mm., antioal '45 mm. x '35 mm.,
postical -225 mm. x ‘175 mm.; cells '03 mm. x ‘025 mm., '025 mm.
X '025 mm.; stipules '19 mm. x ‘16 mm. ; segments '075 mm.,
•2 mm. X ‘185 mm., seg. '08 mm.; bracts, antical lobe '4 mm x
•225 mm., postical '2 mm. x -1 mm.; bracteole A mm. x ^225 mm.,
seg. •!! mm.; perianth •85 mm. x ^45 mm.; capsule ^275 mm.
diam. ; perigonial bracts, antioal lobe '3 mm. x '2 mm., postical
•275 mm. x -175 mm.; antheridia •! mm. x ^075 mm.
H ab.— On rocks, stones, and trees in shaded places. Eare.
7. Arthog, Merionethshire, Dr. Carrington. 10. Saltersgate,
Yorks, S. Anderson. 12. Brown Ghyll, G. Stabler and W. H. P.
13. New Galloway, J. McAndrew. 16. I. Killarney, W. Wilson.
Glena and Tore Cascade, Dr. Carrington, Prof. Lindberg, G. A.
Holt, &c. Conner Hill, Dingle Bay, Prof. Lindberg, and other
stations in the South of Ireland.
Found on the Continent. Norway {Kaalaas).
O bs .— Dr. Spruce wrote me some years ago : “ Lindberg’s Le-
jemea patens is an excellent species. Tliere are fine patches of it
in Sir Win. Hooker’s herbarium, gathered by Wilson at Killarney ;
also in Dickson’s herbarium ; and it is probably the true type
of his L. serpyllifolia. I f so we should have to fall back on the
name cavifolia for what we have hitherto considered serpyllifolia.
I found L. patens before Lindberg did, and named it too, but I
supposed it the same as a new species (L. helicophglla) I had
gathered in the Andes. A more rigorous comparison obliges me
now to hold them distinct.”
Ij . patens is distinguished from L. serpyllifolia in being a
■smaller and more slender plant, with branches more intricately
interwoven, the remarkable manner in which the leaf diverges
from above the postical lobe, the proportionately larger and more
turgid postical lobe, and the angles of the perianth being more
winged and acute.
With reference to the suggestion of Dr. Spruce I do not wish
to make any further alterations in the name, and as Prof. Lindberg
was the first to clearly define L. patens I prefer to retain the one
he gave it.
D e sc r ip t io n oe P late XI.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size. 2.
Portion of stem, antical view x 31. 3. Ditto, postical view x 31.
4. Ditto, postical view x 64. 5. Portion ol leaf x 290. 6, 7.
Bracts x 64. 8. Bracteole x 64. 9. Perianth x 31. 10. Cross
section of perianth x 31. 11. Perigonial bracts, postical view
X 64. 12. Antheridium x 85 (Killarney, Holt and Stewart).
6. L e jeu n ea fla v a {Swartz), Nees.
Jungermania flava, Swartz, Prodr. fl. Ind. occ. p. 144 (1788).
Lejeunea flava, Nees Nat. eur. Leb. 3, p. 277 (1838).
Lejeunea serpyllifolia, var. thymifolia, Carrington, Irish Crypt. (18G3).
Lejeunea Moorei, Lindb. Hep. Hib. p. 487 (1875).
Monoicous, closely caispitose, small to medium in size, yellowish,
rarely very dark green in colour. Stems prostrate, sub-simple,
vaguely branched or pinnate, but slightly radiculose or rootless.