,168 H E P A T IO Æ .
the branohes arise variously from the mid axil of a leaf, or from
its postical angle, and the female flowers are borne on the apex of
the stem or of long leafy branches ; tliere are no stipules at all,
except very rarely a small snbfloral o n e; the bracts are distichous,
conformable to the leaves, and usually remote from the perianth
(whence the species becomes the type of Dumortier’s spurious
genus Gymnocolea) ; and the perianth, itself is pyriform, inflated,
and obscurely 4-5-plicate, only at the very apex ; it is besides
composed of 2 strata of cells up to } of its height.”
D escription of P late L X III.—Fig. 1. Plants g and $
natural size. 2. Portion of fertile stem with perianth x 11
(Foulshaw Moss, G. Stabler). 3. Portion of male stem x 16
(ditto). 4. Portion of branch, antical view x 24 (ditto). 5.
Portion of leaf x 290 (ditto). 6-8. Stipules x 85 (Delamere
Forest, W. Wilson). 9. Stipule x 85 (Wheeldale, Sam. Anderson).
10, 11. Bracts x 24 (Foulshaw, G. Stabler). 12-14. Subbracts
x 24 (ditto). 15. Cross-section of perianth, near the base
x 16 (ditto). 16. Ditto, near the apex x 16 (ditto). 17. Portion
of mouth X 85 (ditto). 18. Perigonial bract x 31 (ditto).
19. Perigonial bracteole x 85 (ditto). 20. Antheridium x 85
11. Cephalozia heterostipa, Carr, et Spruce.
Cephalozia helerostipa, Carr, e t Spruce. Spruce, On Ceph., p. bb (1882).
.hmgermania infiata, var. heterostipa, Lindb. in Arn. & Lindb. Muse. Asiæ bor.
p. 47 (1888); Kaalaas Leverm, Norge, p. 200 (1893).
Dioicous, depresso-cæspitose, flagelliferous, from, a reddish-
brown to a dull brown or green, sometimes orange colour, fragile.
Stems intricately flexuose, radiculose, rootlets produced the whole
length of the stem, white ; simqile or twice dichotomously branched,
with the young apex almost always bifurcate, sometimes, not
always, producing radiculose, stoloniferous, postical branches
partly leafy, rarely altogether leafless. Cells of the stem 7 or 8
in diameter, cortical 20-22, snbquadrate, subopaque, inner somewhat
smaller, more pellucid. Leaves diagonally inserted at the
E U C E P H A IO Z IA . 169
base, lower ones distant, patulous, oblong or cuneate-oblong, to a
third subaoutely bilobed, segments obtusate or rotundate, often
discoloured, upper ones approximate and more or less imbricated,
and near the flowers, and where the stem bifurcates more deeply
coloured, broader, cuneate, assurgent-concave, often to the middle
bilobed, very often 3- and sometimes 4-lobed, angular or obsoletely
denticulate, lobes alone obtuse, sometimes subacute, subequal, or
with the exterior one, now the antical, now the postical, smaller;
cells small to smallish, 4-6 sided, subleptodermous, chlorophyllose,
suhopaque, lower ones slightly elongate, walls thick, angles not
thickened, or only very slightly, no trigones. Axilliar antical
leaf (at the fork of the stem) a little smaller than the others,
ovate, entire, rarely with a tooth added at the base. Stipules
small or minute, sometimes obsolete, rarely altogether wanting,
coloured, linear or subulate, entire or bifid, segments erect, narrow,
unequal. Sometimes between the normal stipules other abnormal
ones are found equal in length to the leaves, falcate-linguíate or
irregular. Flowers ? teruiinal on stem, pistillidia 10-16. Bracts
2-3 pairs, laxly imbricate, concave, broader than long, 3-4-lobed,
lobes subacute, obtuse, or rotundate; bracteoles rather smaller
than the bracts, oblique, ovate-lanoeolate, entire, or deeply bilobed.
Perianth projecting mucli beyond tbe bracts, green, pyriform. somewhat
compressed, very indistinctly trigonous, moutli shortly G-lobed,
lobes 2-4 dentate, whole number of teeth about 18, shortly subulate,
unequal; cells quadrate, opaque, pachydermous, composed
of one layer of cells, exceqit at its base and a very little higher up,
where it is composed of two layers.
D imensions.—Stems to 1 inoli long, '2 mm. to '25 mm. in
diameter, with leaves 1’5 mm. wide ; leaves, lower ’6 mni. x ’4 mm.,
•6 mm. x '5 mm., segments '2 mm., '65 mm. x '6 mm., seg. '25 mm.,
upper '75 mm. x '55 mm., seg. -25 mm., '8 mm. x -65 mm.,
'9 mm. X '55 mm., seg. '25 mm., 1' mm. x 75 mm., seg. 4 mm. ;
cells -02 mm. x -02 mm., ’03 mm. x '025 mm., -0275 mm. x ’02 mm.,
'08 mm. X '03 mm. ; stipules '2 mm. x '04 mm., '2 mm. x 'OG mm.,
■225 mm. x '05 mm., 15 mm. x '04 mm., 125 mm. x 075 mm. ;
bracts 'G mm. x '8 mm., ’75 mm. x '8 mni., ’9 ram. x 'L I mm, ;