The only known station.
O b s .—Distinguished from other native Lejeuneoe by its rigid
stems and the variable character of the postical lobes of the leaves,
which are sometimes equal in size to the antioal lobes, sometimes
about half the size or very minute or entirely wanting.
D escrivtion op P late XV.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Stem, postical view x 30. 3-5. Portions of stem, postical view
X 64. 6. Ditto X 85. 7. Portion of leaf x 290. 8, 9. Stipules
x85. 10, 11. Bracts X 64. 12. Bracteole x 64. (All Killarney,
Dr. Carrington.)
10, L e jeu n ea calcarea. Lib.
Lejeunea calcarea, Libert in Bory de St. Vine. Ann. des sc. nat. VI. p. 373,
n. 1, t. 96, f. 1 (1820).
Jungermania hamatifolia, var. echinata. Hook. Brit. Jung. (1816).
Lejeunea echinata, Taylor MSS. G.L.N. Syn. Hep. p. 345 (1844).
Monoicous, intricately cæspitose, minute, yellowish-green
colour. Stems filiform, subdichotomous or subpinnate, rootlets
few, pale. Leaves imbricate, unequally bilobed, antical lobe
patent or erecto-patent 40°-30° ovato-acuminate, epidermis echinate,
papillæ small, roundish, texture opaque, cells minute, 4-, 5-
and 6-augled, walls firm, no trigones or thickened angles; postical
lobe about half the size of the antical, gibbous, ovate, free margin
incurved, smooth or very slightly serrate, texture more delicate,
rather larger cells, slightly elongate, epidermis smooth, slightly
echinate at the keel. Style or interlobule attached to each leaf
right and left of the stem, linear-subulate, 4 or 5 uniseriate cells
long. Stipules absent. Female flowers on short branches ; bracts
much smaller than the leaves, unequally bilobed, antioal lobe
ovato-acutate, postical about half the size, widely suhulate-acutate,
plane. Perianth pyriform, obtusely 5-angled, angles distinctly
muricate. Androecia on short lateral branches, perigonial bracts
3, 4 pairs, closely imbricate, erect, unequally bilobed, swollen at
the base, antioal lobe oval-acute, postical about one-third smaller,
oval ; antheridia subspherioal.
D im e n s io n s .—Stems about i an inch long, diameter -05 mm.
to -075 mm., with leaves ‘35 mm. to '4 mm. wide; leaves, antioal
lobe -375 ram. x '2 mm., postical ’225 mm. x T5 mm., antioal
•45 mm. x •175 mm., postical ^25 mm. x -15 mm. ; cells •015 mm.,
papillæ -01 mm. x -0125 mm. wide at the base, stylus -1 mm. x
•02 mm. ; bract, antical lobe '2 mm. x -135 mm., postical ^175
mm. X •! mm.; perianth -75 mm. x ^4 mm.; capsule ^25 mm.
diam. ; pedicel -05 mm. diam. ; perigonial bract, antical lobe ^275
mm. x -15 mm., postical ’2 mm. x -125 mm. ; antheridia -15 mm. x
•125 mm.
H ab.—In crevices and sheltered spots on limestone rooks.
Somewhat rare.
7. 8. Eavensdale, Derbyshire, G. A. Holt. 10. Hell Cleft,
Teesdale, Hr. Spruce. High Force, Tee.sdale, Æ. Barnes. Gordale,
W. JFest. Ingleton, W. West. Clapdale Cave, Craven, Dr. Carrington.
Bolton Woods, Dr. Carrington. Nr. Litton, John Whitehead.
12. Heversham Head, G. Stabler. Pasture Beck, Ullswater,
W. II. P. 15. Banks of the Eiver Burn, A. Croall. Cawdor Wood,
Forfar, A. Croall Glen Tilt, A. Croall. 16. Moidart, West
Inverness, S. M. Alacvicar, peaty side of ravine, not limestone.
1. Kerry, Dr. Taylor. Killarney, Dr. Carrington.
Found on the Continent and in North America.
O b s .— A very distinct species and not likely to be confounded
with any other British ones, except the closely allied Lej.Bossettiana,
Massai., which see.
Lej. hamatifolia (Hook.), which Hooker considered it to be a
variety of, differs in the antica! lobe of leaf being distantly dentate,
epidermis smooth, presence of stipules, and other characters.
D escription op P late XVI.—Pig. 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of stem, antical view x 64. 3, 4. Portions of stems,
postical views X 64. 5-8. Leaves x 64. 9-11. Ditto, explanate x
64. 12. Portion of leaf x 290. 13. Papillæ of antical lobe of
leaf X 290. 14, 15. Styliform appendages x 85. 16. Bract x 64.
17. Perianth X 31. 18. Portion of male branch x 64. 19. Perigonial
bract x 85. 20. Antheridium x 85. (Teesdale, Dr.