orbicular or ovate, turgid, margiu entire, involute; epidermis
shining when dry; cells medium size, 5- and 6-angled, lumen
pellucid or chlorophyllose, walls thin, trigones distinct. Stipules
distant, larger than the postical lobe of leaf, about twice as wide
as the stem, slightly decurrent, oval or subrotund, deeply bifid,
sinus broad or narrow, usually obtuse, sometimes acute, segments
obtusate or acute. Female flowers on lateral branches. Bracts
unequally bilobed, antical lobe obovate, rotundate, or obtuse;
postical lobe much smaller, oval-oblong. Bracteole obovato-oval,
bifid to U sinus and segments obtuse. Perianth projecting
about half beyond the bracts, elliptioo-olavate, below terete, upper
part 5-plioate, angles obtuse, margin smooth, beak short.
Calyptra thick, obovate. Capsule ovato-globose. Spores large.
Andrcecia on chief stem or on lateral branches, below the perianth
perigonial bracts 2-4 pairs, closely imbricate, unequally bilobed,
antioal lobe orbicular, postical rather smaller, oval, much swollen;
antheridia 2, oval-globose.
Lindberg described two forms as follows :—
Var. planiuscida. Elongate, about 1 mm. wide, pale or green,
pellucid, when dry shining, less branched, intricate. and fragile,
planiuscula, leaves more or less remote, antical lobe convexulous,
slightly deeurved, obliquely ovato-oval, rotundato-obtuse, margin
entire, postical lobe 5-7 times smaller, stipules subadpressed, 2 to
3 times larger than tbe postical lobe, oonvexiusoula, rotundo-oval,
sinus more or less broad and obtuse, segments somewhat obtuse,
margiu entire, perianth elliptioo-clavate, below terete, upper part
5-plicate, angles complánate, margin smooth.
Var. cavifolia. Smaller and often yellowish-pale or green,
very ramose, intricate and fragile, convex, leaves closely imbricate,
antical lobe obliquely broadly ovato-oval, very obtuse, apex
distinctly narrower but never acute, entire, postical lobe 3-5
times smaller, cells very chlorophyllose and thickened, trigones
distinct, stipules subadpressed, as large or larger than the postical
lobe, convex, oval-rotund, perianth narrow at the base, oval-
pyriform, upper 4th part 5-plicate.
D im e n s io n s .— Stems -J to f inch long, '085 mm. in diameter.
with leaves '7 mm. to ’85 ram. wide; leaves, an tic al lobe, '45
mm. X -3 mm., postical 2 mm. x '15 mm., antical, ‘45 mm. x ’35
m m . , postical '2 mm. x ’1 mm. ; cells '03 mm. x '03 mm., ’04 mm.
X -0275 mm., '04 mm. x '03 mm. ; stipules, 25 mm. x ’2 mm. ;
segments, ■075 mm., '2 mm. x -15 mm., seg. '075 mm.; bract,
antical lobe 4 mm. x '25 mm., postical, ‘225 mm. x -125 mm.;
bracteole '4 mm. x '2 mm., segments 1 mm. ; perianth, '8 mm.
X '5 mm. ; perigonial bract, antical lobe, '25 mm. x "2 mm., postical
'2 mm. X '15 m m .; spores, '025 mm.
H ab.—On rooks, stones, trees or banks in damp shaded or,
more rarely, exposed situations.
Moderately common. 1-18o. I.
Found on the Continent and in North America.
O b s .—This, the most generally distributed of British
Lejeunew, is abundantly distinct from any of the other
British species, with the exception of Lej. patens, Lindb., and
Lej. flava (Sw.), which see for distinguishing characters.
DESCBirTiON OF P late X.—Fig. 1. Plants natural size. 2.
Portion of stem, antioal view x 31, var. planiuscula (Glena, S. 0.
Lindberg). 3. Ditto, postical view (ditto). 4. Ditto x 64 var.
cavifolia (n. 273 G. & B. Hep. Eur.). 5, 6. Leaves x 31 (n.
436 G. k E. Hep. Eur.). 7. Portion of leaf x 290 (ditto). 8.
Bract X 64 (Ingleton, W. H. P.). 9. Bracteole x 64 (ditto).
10. Perianth x 31 (n. 435 G. & K. Hep. Eur.). 11. Perigonial
bract X 64 (ditto).
5. Lejeunea patens, Lindb.
Lejeunea patens, Lindberg A cta Soc. Sci. Fenn. Hep. Hib. x. p. 482 (1876).
Monoicous, c»spitose, small, very pale green or sometimes
white. Stems prostrate or sub-erect, irregularly and much
branched and interwoven. Leaves more or less closely imbricate,
from their base to the height of the postical lobe patent to erecto-
patent, then acutely patent-divergent, very much decurved and
well overlapping the stem, unequally bilobed, antical lobe remarkably
convex, especially when dry, obliquely ovato-elliptical or
very bluntly oval; postical lobe 2-4 times smaller than the