very indistinct. No stipules. Bracts larger than the leaves,
repand or aqipressed, subrotnnd, trifid, the third segment smaller
and antioal, sinus acute or obtuse, divided to about jr, segments
acute. No bracteole. Sub-bracts with a third basal antical
tooth. Perianth terminal, qorojeoting about or barely beyond
the bracts, composed of a single layer of cells, about 30 round the
middle, turbinate or joyi-iform, terete, smooth or slightly folded
near the apex, mouth contracted, small, ciliolate, fringed with 15
to 20 cilia composed of 1 or 2 elongated cells, incurved. Calyptra
very delicate. Capsule oval. Spores and elaters deep reddish-
brown. Perigonial stems small, bracts small, crowded, imbrioate,
more erect, ventricose, bifid with a third antioal, basal segment,
monandrous, antheridia oval.
Fruits April, May.
Dimensions.— Stems J to J inch long, diam. T mm. to T5 mm.,
with extended leaves 1' mm. to 1'25 mm. wide ; leaves '8 mm. long
X ’75 mill, broad, segments '2 mm., '8 mni. x '6 mm., seg. '2 mm.,
'7 mm. X T5 mm., seg. '2 mm., '65 mm. x '5 mm., seg. '2 mm.,
•5 mm. X '4 mm., seg. '2 mm., '45 mm. x A mm., seg. T mm.;
cells '06 mm. x -03 mm., '05 mm, x '035 mm., '04 mm. x '03 mm.,
•035 mm. x '03 mm., walls '0075 m m .; sub-bracts '8 mm. long x
•75 min. broad, seg. '2 mm., '07 mm. x ’06 mm., seg. '2 min.;
bracts '95 mm. long x '9 mm. broad, seg. '25 mm. ; perianth
1'75 mm. long x '5 mm. broad uqiper half, 2' mm. long x ’6 mm.
broad upper half; qiedicel 1' mm. long x ’01 mm. diam .; capsule
■5 mm. long x '35 mm. broad; antheridia '1 3mm. long x ’1 mm.
H a b.— Growing on wet or damp shaley banks or rocks, chiefly
magnesian limestone or chalk. Somewhat common.
1. Near Hayle Causeway, and near Lelant Ferry, Cornwall,
TF Curnoio. 2, 3. Atford, Kent, E. M. Holmes. 4. Bedminster,
E. H. Bead. 5. Banks of drain, one mile from Arley, Staffordshire,
J. E. Ba/jnnll. 7. Bangor, Carnarvonshire, G. E. Hunt.
8. Monsal Dale, Ashwood Dale, Derbyshire, G. A. Holt.
9. Cotterill Clough, IF. TFilson; Oversley Fold Wood, Hand-
forth, Capt. P. G. Cunliffe; Marple, Cheshire, C. J. TTrild:, Southport,
Lane., G. E. Hmii, Dr. Carringfon. 10. Quarry Moor,
Eipon, Miss II. Morton. 11, 12. On wet limestone rocks, Levens
Park ; The Force, Levens ; on the banks of Eiver Kent, Nether
Levens; Milnthorpe ; near Whitbarrow Hall, G. Stabler; near
Kendal, Westmorland, Bev. C. H. Binstead. 13. Orroland,
Rerrick, Kirkcudbright, .7. McAndreio. 14.
I. Woodlands, near Dublin, IF. TFilsou; not unfrequent on
the grey limestone in Co. Dublin, where it fruits freely, Dr. D.
Moore; Fingías Quarrj', B. M ’Ardle ; on white limestone near
Glenarm, Co. Antrim, Dr.D. Moore; Killarney on limestone, Dr.
Carrington; Tore Cascade, Killarney and CaiTantual, Kerry,
Dr. D. Moore.
Found on the Continent and in North America.
O b s .— Under this name I have grouped all the small forms of
what were considered Jungermania acuta, Lindenb., which are
without stipules ; the form published in G. & R. n. 043 as Jmg.
acuta is the same as a form named Jung, turbinata var. acufiloha,
Spruoe, whieh connects Jung, turbinata with Jung, bantriensis var.
Muelleri. Jung, turbinata is a very constant form and may be
regarded as the extended type of a group with Jungermania
bantriensis, Hook., at the other extreme.
I t may be distinguished from other dioicous species by the
antical segment at the base of the upper leaves and bracts, its
delicate cell structure and the turbinate perianth.
D e sc r ip t io n of P la t e CX X X II.-F ig . 1. Plants natural size.
2. Portion of stem x 3 1 , a n t i c a l view (/««y. lU&owtiia. Original.
Herb. Taylor). 3. Ditto, postical view (Bedminster, E. H. Read).
4, 5. Leaves x 31 (Cotterill Clough, Cheshire, W. Wilson),
o’. Portion of leaf x 290 (Hb. Taylor). 7. Bracts x 31
(Bedminster, E. H. Read). 8. Sub-bracts x 31 (ditto).
9. Perianth x 31 (Hb. Taylor). 10. Cross-seetion of perianth
x 31 (ditto). 11, 12. Portions of the mouth of perianth x 31
(ditto). 13. Antheridium x 85 (Monsal, Derbyshire, C. A.