T a s h k e n d , Russian Gazette in, ii. 292
Houses of, 440
— — Inhabitants, Ages of, 442
Library in, 441
¡¡1----Museum in, 441
Observatory in, 441
Occupations in, 441
Population of, 441
Religious beliefs in, 441
ill---- repulse at, 620
— Streets of, 440
—---- Theatre in, 441
— Sart curiosities, 458
Schools at, 466
— Scripture distribution at, 442, 443,
469, ii. 239
— Seminary for training schoolmasters
at, 465
— Servants’ wages in, 461
-— Situation of, 476
— Stations to Jizakh, 477
^ ----— Khojend, 478
— Storming of, 620
— Sunday in, 448
— Surrender to Russians, 622
— Temperature of, 467
— Trade of, 462
— Treachery in, 621
— Visit to Governor-General, 442
— Wages in, 461
— Wagonette disposal at, 473
— Walls of, 423
— and Aulie-Ata, Stations between, 414
Tashkendian turbulence, 510
— wanderers, 357
Tatar yemstchik, Accident to, 363
Tatars of Kazan, 401
— Submission of, 123
Tax-gatherer of Kunia Urgenj, ii. 316
Taxation of Orenburg Kirghese, 410
Taxes in Amu-daria province, ii. 316
.-----— Bokhara, ii. 5$, 187
Khivan khanate, ii. 270
^ — Semipolatinsk, 111
Tchampani in the I li valley, 258
Tclierkassky’s expedition to Khiva, ii.
Technicalities o f Hebrew M SS ., ii. 115
Tejend oasis in Turkmenia, ii. 453
Hydrography of, ii. 453
Robbers in, ii. 455
Tekkes, Food of the, ii. 446
— of Merv, Atrocities of, ii. 481
---------Distribution of, ii. 477
— Divisions of, ii. 477
—------- Lawlessness of, ii. 480
— 1-------Number of, ii. 477
---------Occupations of, ii. 478
— Unattractiveness of, ii. 480
Tekkes of Turkmenia, ii. 444
Temperature at Porsu, ii. 425
— of Amu-daria province, 432
Tashkend, 467
I — — the desert, ii. 422
— — Turkistan, 371
Temuchin, see Jinghiz Khan.
Tent lodging at Kara-Tiube, ii. 5
Tents of the Akhal oasis, ii. 450
f|Pl Kalmuk Geluns, 216
— Kirghese, 333
— — Turkomans, ii. 445
Theatre at Russian Tashkend, 441
Thian Shan mountains, Exploration of,
152, 294
— Extent of, 153
I — ■— Geology of, 155
IB--------Glaciers of, 155
---------Ranges of, 154
---------Snow bridges of, 155
--------- Valleys of, 156
— — Volcanoes (supposed) in, 156
sheep, 245
— ValikhanofFs exploration, 296
Threshing and ploughing, ii. 7
Throne of Solomon, 500
if Through Siberia,” Different estimates
of, 630
Tiflis, Author’s arrival at, ii. 501
i jjj§Bayern. Herr, of, ii. 502
— Bible distribution from, ii. 502
Society at, ii. 501
— Departure of Author from, ii. 502
■Weather at, ii. 502
Tillah-Kari medresse, 586
Timbek’s residence at Khokand, 518
Timber at Aulie-Ata, Dearness of, 365
— — Khiva, ii, 269
Timur, see Tamerlane.
Timurid sway in Central Asia, ii. 69
Timurids, Capital of the, 560
Tiumen, Acquaintances at, 27
— Arrival of Author at, 26
— Book distribution at, 29
— Introductions at, 30
— Purchase of a telega at, 31
Tiurebek Khanim, Tomb of, ii. 345
I Tobacco cultivation at Khiva, ii. 268
! — — in Akmolinsk, 52
----------Ferghana, 499
near Karshi, ii. 44
Tobolsk, Archbishop of, Visit to, 36
— Books for exiles in, 29
— Cemetery at, 35
— Governor of, Interview with, 35
Togus-tepe hills, ii. 425
I Tokmak, Prison at, 670
— Old road to, 356
! — Ruins near, 356
Tomb at Sary Baba, ii. 425
— of Abdullah Khan, ii. 71, 137
Pilgrimages to, ii. 137
Ak-rabat, ii. 207
Aulie-Ata, 3 66
" Bibi Khanum, 577
Nedjm-ud-din-Kubera, ii. 347
Sunjur Shah at Merv, ii. 456
— Tamerlane, ii. 3
; Wainscoting of, ii. 124
Tiurebek Khanim, ii. 345
Tombs at Khanki, ii. 248
— of Kirghese, 311
royalty at Khiva, ii. 293
— on Butenau plateau, ii. 391
Torahs of Jews at Bokhara, ii. 110
Torchlight procession at Shahr, ii. 34
Torgouts of the Ili valley, 214
Tortoises of the Steppe, ii. 430
Torture of prisoners at Bokhara, ii. 75
Town of Gaza vat, ii. 318
— Krasnovodsk, ii. 495
Kungrad, ii. 351
— & Omsk, 59
— Petro-Alexandrovsk, ii. 234 -
— Shavat, ii. 320
— — Tashauz, ii. 330
Towns of Akmolinsk, 53
—■ Ferghana province, 398, 499
Kuldja province, 398
Semipolatinsk, 95
— Semirechia, 398
— ||r Syr-daria province, 398
Zarafshan province, 398
— on Lower Oxus, ii. 241
— -4- Orenburg road, 389
Tract distribution in Moscow Exhibition,
ii. 238
—- — on railway journey, 19
— Success of former efforts, 27
— Society, Help of, 5
Trade in a Chinese bazaar, 239
| Kuldja bazaars, 239
— of Bokhara, ii. 133
— —^ Central Asia, ii. 286
Karategin, ii. 54
—1 — Khiva, ii. 285
— — Khojend, 551
—-----Khokand, 523
—----Merv, ii. 479
Samarkand, 604
Semipolatinsk, 139
—---- Tashauz, ii. 330
Tashkend, 462
Vierny, 278
— progress in Semirechia, 291
— statistics of Turkistan, 462
Tradesmen of Khiva, ii. 269
Tradition concerning Hazarasp, ii. 313 I
I Tradition of Khoja-Akhrar, 582
— Tamerlane’s library, 582
Traditions of Jews in China, 594
— Kirghese, 157, 177, 357
Samarkand Jews, 594
Tragical end of a china basin, ii. 389
Training of hawks, ii. 326
Trans-Ili mountains, 268
region, Russian advance to, 290
Translation work of Mr. W. H. Cromie,
ii. 506
Travellers, Aralo-Caspian, ii. 404
— in Central Asia, ii. 457
on the threshold of Turkmenia, ii. 465
Travelling in a horse-box, ii. 501
Travels of M. Fedchenko, ii. 509
Treaty between Khiva and Russia, ii. 282
Russia and Khan of Khokand, 511
Trees of Turkistan, 479
Zarafshan province, 608
— on Kopet-dagh mountains, ii. 438
Trials among the Kirghese, 346
Tribes of Khivan khanate, ii. 270
— Samarkand Jews, 595
Troitzky, M., with the Kirghese, 344
Troops in Akhal oasis, ii. 494
— *— Petro-Alexandrovsk, ii. 234
— |— Turkistan, 74, 60 i
—- --— Arms of, 602
- — — Drunkenness among, 603'
— — Education of, 603
— Food of, 603
— “— — Moral standard of, 603
— Target Practice of, 604
Uniforms of. 602
Troubetzkoy prison in Petersburg, (42
Cells of, 642
— -— Diet of prisoners, 644
1 Garden exercise, 645
— Occupants of, 643
—1 — Visits from friends, 644
Women’s quarters, 645
, Troubles with attendants in desert, ii. 414
Trousseau of a Kirghese bride, 326
Trumpets and drums at Charjui, ii. 181
Tuar, Arrival of Author at, ii. 424
I Tugais on the Amu, ii. 215
| Tura river, Voyage on, 33
Turco-Tatar races, 392
Turkish dialects, ii. 292
T u r k i s t a n : Ak-Mesjed captured by
Russians, 617
-— Animals of, ii. 514
— Ants of, ii. 576
— Archbishop of, Visit to. 280
— ~ Aulie-Ata captured by Russians, 619
— Aurora Borealis in, 377
— Beershops in, 607
— Bees of, ii. 562