Gur-Emir mausoleum, 566
History of the, 570
Relics of the, 571
Tombs in the, 567
Gurgan river, ii. 439
Gypsies of Zarafshan province, 543
H a b i t a t i o n s in Amu-daria province.433
— of Semirechia, 164
Kirghese, 310
Taranchis, 208
— — Turkomans, ii. 445
Handoo Kuh mountains, ii. 439
Harbour of Lake Balkhash, 180
Harbours of Lake Aral, 429
Harem of Emir of Bokhara, ii. 155
— Life in the, ii. 355
—■ — Khan of Khokand, ii. 155
Harkavy, Dr. A., on Hebrew MSS., ii. 114
Harvest tax at Khiva, ii. 271
Harvests of Bokhara, ii. 164
Hassan Kuli Bay, Boat-building at, ii. 439
Havli at Manak, Interior of, ii. 327
— Walls of, ii. 326
Havlis near Shavat, ii. 321
Hawks* for falconry at Manak, ii. 326
— Training of, ii. 326
Hazarasp gate at Khiva, ii. 311
— Governorship of, ii. 314
— Hermit’s cave at, ii. 313
Population of, ii. 314
— Town of, ii. 312
— Tradition concerning, ii. 313
Hazret Haifa Khu-daidat, Cistern at,
ii. 100
— Imlah, Mosque of, ii. 100
— Russian conquest of, 620
Head-dresses of Kirghese, ii. 287
Heaven, Debtors and creditors in, ii. 220
Hebrew MSS. at Bokhara, ii. 114
— Ginsburg, Dr., on, ii. 114
— Harkavy, Dr., on, ii. 114
— Hints concerning, ii. 114
Wonderful specimen of, ii. 115
— patriarchs, Kirghese resemblance to,
— pronunciation at Samarkand, 595
Help of Bible and Tract Societies, 5
Hemiptera seen at Tashkend, 455
Herds of the Kirghese, 322
Heri Rud river in Turkmenia, ii. 453
Hermit’s cave at Hazarasp, ii. 313
Highway from Petersburg to Afghanistan,
ii. 406
Hindu disabilities in Bokhara, ii. 100
— Sarai at Bokhara, ii. 100
Hindus at Khokand, ii. 100
Hindustan, Route to, ii. 194
Hints concerning Hebrew MSS., ii. 114
[ Hissar, Cattle at, ii. 40.
— mountains, 535, ii. 40
j Historical discussion on Aralo-Caspian
region, ii. 403
1 History of Akhal oasis, ii. 450
— Attek oasis, ii. 451
Bokhara, ii. 66 •
Ili valley, 201
— Kalmuks, 125
— Khivan oasis, ii. 264
Khojend, 549
— Khokand, 502
Maracanda, 560
Hodjas among Kirghese, 346
Holy Communion in a Roman Catholic
chapel. 228
Home comforts at Petro-Alexandrovsk,
ii. 228
— entertainment at Khiva, ii. 308
— life in Central Asia, ii. 352
Horse-box, Travelling in a, ii. 501
— dealing in Bokhara, ii. 132
— racing in Khiva, ii. 320
Horses at Khiva, Cost of, ii. 259
Petro-Alexandrovsk, Cost of. ii. 259
— Sale of, ii. 236, 237
Horticulture at Bokhara, ii. 85, 165
Hospital at Khokand, 525
Petro-Alexandrovsk, ii. 234
Tashkend, 448
-— patients at Samarkand, 599
— statistics of Sennpolatinsk, 116
Tashkend, 449
Hospitality at Kainar, ii. 11
Khojend, 513 -
— — Krasnovodsk, ii. 492
— — Manak, ii. 327
— Russian consulate at Kuldja, 221
— of Eastern Bokhariots, ii. 52
Grotenhielm, Gen. von, ii. 232
Putimsoff, Col., 489
the Sarts, ii. 300
— Sibos, 214
Hospitals at Samarkand, 596, 598
— of Semipolatinsk, Books for, 144
Hotel at Viemy, 275
— “ Nicolaeff ” at Tashkend, 424
House-building at Chuchai, 517
— of Khokand merchant, 530
— rent in Tashkend, 461
Household commodities in Tashkend,
Houses at Iliali, ii. 332
Tashauz, ii. 330
— in Akmolinsk, 54
Chimkent, 421
Kuldja, 253
—■ — Russian Tashkend, 440
Semipolatinsk, .114
Houses in Viemy, 272
— of ill-fame in Russ. Turkistan, ii. 299
Kunia Urgenj, ii. 352, 365
Hiibsch, Baron, Kindness of. ii. 500
Hungry Steppe, 477
Huzar to the Oxus, Stations from, ii. 52
Hydrography of Amu at Kabakli, ii. 213
— Amu-daria province, 428
— -— Attek oasis, ii. 452
Oxus, Lower, ii. 241
— Upper, ii. 202
Steppe, 44
Tejend oasis, ii. 453
I c h t h y o l o g y of Turkistan, ii. 530
Idols of the Kalmuks, 218
---------Sibos, 212
Igda, Wells of, ii. 407
Iginchas among the Kirghese, 315
Ignatoff, M., Generosity of, 27, 32, 33
Ignorance of Asiatics, ii. 123
— -— Bokhariots, ii. • 124
Ildjik on the Oxus, ii. 206
?|§- Dismissal of Oxus escort, ii. 208
— Journey to, ii. 204
Ili Kalmuks, Religion of the, 217
— province ceded back to Chinese, 629
Population of, 201
— Roads of the, 201
Ili river, Crossing at Kuldja, 224
— —£.— with Cossack escort, 225
Hf-— Steam navigation attempted, 252
Ili valley, Cheapness of labour in, 198
Chinese in, 257
— — — criminals in, 258
Colonization of, 203
—- - Description of, 190
Ethnography of, 206
—- — Ethnology of, 206
— History of, 201
— Iron-mines in, 199
Kalmuks of, 214
— Khambi in, 258
Manchu of, 257
Military colonists of, 211
— Minerals of, 198
Mining in, 198
Mountains of, 190
— — Rebellion in, 203, 626
Russian annexation in, 626
occupation temporary, 627
Sibos of, 211
— Solons of, 211
Taranchis inhabiting, 206
— Tchampani in, 258
Toigouts in, 214
Variety of races in. 206
Iliali. Arrival at, ii. 332
— Carriage at, ii. 332
I Iliali, Château at, ii. 333
— Colporteurs at, ii. 333
— Fortress of, ii. 333
— Gardens of, ii. 333
— Houses at, ii. 332
I — Khan’s residence at, ii. 333
— Market days at. ii. 333
— Population of, ii. 333
— Shops of, ii. 332
Ilisk, Bridge at, 267
j Illustrated Scripture texts, see Index,
p . X X V
I Immorality in Bokhara, ii. 189
j Import trade of Kuldja, 241
Imports of Khokand, 523
— Semipolatinsk, 107
Tashkend, 461, 462
; Imprisonment of Conolly at Bokhara, ii
Stoddart at Bokhara, ii 75
! India, Will Russia conquer ? ii. 489
[ Indian tea at Khiva, ii 250
Industries of Akmolinsk, 54
Khiva, ii 287
!----- Kuldja, 242
Samarkand, 605
Viemy, 278
I Industry of Semirechia, 164
\ Inexperienced postilions, ii. 160
! Inhabitants of Gazavat, ii. 318
j ----- Khiva, ii. 269
j ----- Kungrad, ii 351
j ----- Turkistan, 370
I ~ 2 Zarafshan province, 544
Inheritance among the Kirghese, 330
Insanity at Bokhara, ii. 250
--------- Treatment of, ii. 145
Instruction in Khivan colleges, ii. 290
Instruments. Meteorological, lent by Mr.
Glaisher, 8
Insurrection in Khokand, 512
Insurrections of Kirghese, 408
Interior of havli at Manak, ii 327
— ■ Kirghese tent, 336
Turkoman’s tents, ii. 445
Interpreter at Kunia Urgenj, ii 359
—: Selecting an, 16
— Yakoob, i i 3
Interview with Governor of Tobolsk, 35
; plpi— Jews in Bokhara, ii. 108
3 Khan of Khiva, ii 261
jEpB--'- Russian Minister of Interior, 11
I Intoxicants at Manak, ii. 326
1 Introduction to Governor of Irkutsk, 18
[ Introductions at Tinmen, 30
— SI Viemy, 276
— Scientific, 13
! Inundations of the Steppe, 88
Invalid telegraphist at Konur-Ulen. 191